"The minute you bought your ticket you were in another world." - Charlie Chaplin
喂,我今朝睇到呢個中國國家芭蕾舞團,即刻想話你知,點知,原來你已經知道左﹗哈哈,咁啱既 :)d pointe shoes 五顏六色,幾過隱呀﹗
紅色娘子軍already full!!!http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/b5/dance/jul07/ballet.html
五對point shoes都好靚喎!綠色夠搶,寶藍同最右邊的棗紅色都好elegant,全部我都鍾意呢!!!
啤: 7-1喎, 佢仲唔大事宣揚咩... 好多度都見到.lu: so soon? maybe the other one: 海盜3: "少啲lui都跳唔起呀真係" exactly! 所以我諗好多sponsor既錢都去左D舞鞋度. 真的不看... 何況lu話都full左咯... (我唔太好好中國味既野... 不過上次睇過"大紅燈籠高高掛"ballet, 超正!)小蓓: 我就想要對粉紫既啦... 不過要黎睇, 唔會著, 唔會整爛佢. :)
lu: 呢個演出得7/1一場, no wonder啦. 其實"樣板戲"係點... 唔係太曉.
i don't know either.i called mum, she was like "i'll go watch with you" before i said anything after i mentioned the title. so i guess no bad feeling from her after all. and it was my godmother used to perform this show... and my mum was doing the other ones...
lu: wow, they used to be ballerina too???? wowow...
my mum's not (she just did the normal dance & song type of things) :P
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哈哈,咁啱既 :)
d pointe shoes 五顏六色,幾過隱呀﹗
紅色娘子軍already full!!!
五對point shoes都好靚喎!綠色夠搶,寶藍同最右邊的棗紅色都好elegant,全部我都鍾意呢!!!
啤: 7-1喎, 佢仲唔大事宣揚咩... 好多度都見到.
lu: so soon? maybe the other one: 海盜
3: "少啲lui都跳唔起呀真係" exactly! 所以我諗好多sponsor既錢都去左D舞鞋度. 真的不看... 何況lu話都full左咯... (我唔太好好中國味既野... 不過上次睇過"大紅燈籠高高掛"ballet, 超正!)
小蓓: 我就想要對粉紫既啦... 不過要黎睇, 唔會著, 唔會整爛佢. :)
lu: 呢個演出得7/1一場, no wonder啦. 其實"樣板戲"係點... 唔係太曉.
i don't know either.
i called mum, she was like "i'll go watch with you" before i said anything after i mentioned the title. so i guess no bad feeling from her after all. and it was my godmother used to perform this show... and my mum was doing the other ones...
lu: wow, they used to be ballerina too???? wowow...
my mum's not (she just did the normal dance & song type of things) :P
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