
Tuesday, May 08, 2007


許多個月沒有上friendster, 剛上去看一看有什麼新消息, 準備logout時, 竟給我發現數月前一個大學友人在我的testimonial一欄上留了一段文字:

"many moons ago, in an alternate universe called "XXX,"(大學時的城市) in a strange dwelling called XXX (我們居住的co-op house的名稱), i first heard XXX's (我的名字) contagious laughter. if you are going to live in a house of strangers, you should always have someone like XXX (我的名字) around to lift the spirit."

很sweet啊! :) 大約是一年前在friendster上偶然重遇她, 足足十年沒有聯絡, 沒想到會找到她的. 她是美國人, 大學時主修英文及法文, 很文靜但有時又有點搞笑. 個子細小, 金髮one-length頭, 戴眼鏡. 去年在這裡寫了一篇"曾人 尋人"也有提過她.

網絡世界有時很美, 讓我們偶然找回失去聯絡的友人.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You seem very popular around your friends and they like you very much.