微豆: "feel like opening up a time capsule" yeah! what a nice phase. i always run into people, but most of the time, i see them first, usually they are people that i no longer in contact with, so i simply pretend not recognizing them. but when i run into people that i like/admire, it's like finding something precious in a treasure hunt!
You are so lucky!! I seldom run into friends; and when I do, I feel like opening up a time capsule.
mr bibe: 其實都不是久別的相遇, 兩個都是經常會見的朋友/相識, 不過從未在街上碰上, 令人興奮.
微豆: "feel like opening up a time capsule" yeah! what a nice phase. i always run into people, but most of the time, i see them first, usually they are people that i no longer in contact with, so i simply pretend not recognizing them. but when i run into people that i like/admire, it's like finding something precious in a treasure hunt!
如果我碰到妳, 除了緣份, 仲有驚嚇!
LDD: 有幾驚嚇?!?!?!?!?!
靚到嚇親 ma~ (指靚嘅係妳) ^~
LDD: cheap chai...
讚妳又鬧我 cheap 仔?!:O
LDD: 你既語調似讚我咩? :(
keee keee, 醒呀!
Check your email la! ^~
josefina: 緣份實在是很微妙的事情.
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