
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

新片速遞 - Waitress

"Waitress"這齣電影於今年一月在美國的Sundance Film Festival極受歡迎, 故事說的是一個居住南部, 婚姻不美滿的懷孕女人Jenna在整批餅的過程中找尋得人生的樂趣.

電影的tagline是: "If only life were as easy as pie."

女主角Keri Russell, 近作有"MI: 3"(Lindsey Farris), 對她沒有深刻印象, 不過的確是名美女.

為什麼要介紹此片, 因為導演及編劇都是Adrienne Shelley, 一直都是演員, 導演過數齣電影. 當她拍攝"Waitress"時, 電影還未上畫, 她卻於去年十一月一日被殺, 但一直被指為自殺. (Shelly's death was first considered a suicide. Days later, a 19-year-old Ecuadorian illegal immigrant and construction worker confessed to slaying the actress, who he left hanging by a bedsheet from a shower rod in the bathroom of her Manhattan office/apartment. She was found by her husband. credit: IMDB)


其實據報道, 電影是導演Adrienne Shelley的個人寫照, 她就像故事中的Jenna, 在逆境中求存, 不過最傷感是電影的成就及受歡迎她都沒有機會在世時看到.

IMDB連結: Waitress

資料來源: A Recipe Worth Sharing: How 'Waitress' Became a Filmmaker's Sad Goodbye (Newsweek/Devin Gordon)

*電影本月於美國上映, 希望我們不久也有機會看到.


冬冬 said...

ohhh I'm so going to watch this movie. I love Keri Russell from Felicity!! :)

Anonymous said...

冬冬: i haven't seen "Felicity" ah. guess it's on in your town this month lah!