有時節食就像閂水喉一樣, 水喉關了, 胃口立刻受到控制, 份量遞減, 肚子餓也要忍口. 我不是那些瘋狂節食者, 不會對自己太苛刻, 要我戒紅肉戒糖, 一星期也不可以吃一個高質素的甜品, 不如叫我去死. 自己以往也成功減肥, 雖然不是極速那種, 但起碼連胃口也少了, 夠持久, 朋友們都問為什麼可以keep到.
三十磅也試過, 這回只是十磅八磅吧, 算什麼? (安慰自己...)
昨天那個沙律加奶茶午餐之後, 六時多靚女同事從冰箱拿出兩個月餅, 跑過來問: "有興趣嗎? 若有我便開一個, 家裡還有三盒! 鹹的抑或甜的?" 今年只吃過1/4個雙黃白蓮蓉, 於是我說: "我要1/8件甜的!" 另有兩女同事也異口同聲說要吃, 於是便一起分了, 我就吃了1/8.
晚上吃了一碗滑牛粥, 幾粒魚肉燒賣. 十時多喝了杯Cappuccino. 看"ER"Season 4 (Cable 12台)時肚子很餓, 吃了四片嘉頓芝麻蘇打餅...
今天午餐: 大快活蜜味雞翼一隻, 迷你熱狗, 咖啡(超抵的下午茶餐, $16咋!). 掛住睇blog, 攪到半隻香腸飛墮地上... 40%飽... :(
今晚因約了好友們吃海鮮大餐(因有數名小姐生日, 比減肥更重要...), 芭蕾舞課要走堂. 週末不能太放肆了!
8-10lbs. :)
My diet is like this: 2 fruits and 1 slice of plain wheat bread for breakfast, lunch can vary a lot depends with whom I eat, fruits or nothing for dinner. Of course snacks like chocolate in between. It works well for me. Never really need to be on diet.
ruth: if i ate like this, i will surely reach my target within 1-2 months, but it'a a bit too harsh for me... and sometimes dinner is family gathering too, so can't skip dinner, guess i will faint w/o food after lunch too. r u sure u have that much energy for dancing w/o dinner?
LDD: duck is poisonous ah, don't eat too much. i don't like chicken breast.
I eat chocolate before dance class. It's high calorie. I saw classmates fainted during class. So, I try to avoid that. It's kind of embarrassing.
One strange finding is that half of my classmates feel very hungry after class and half can't eat anything after class. I belong to the later group. That's why I can skip dinner all the time, except when my husband is in town.
i won't feel too hungary after class, but will eat an hour after that.
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