
Saturday, August 30, 2014

20 Facts about Me

1. I hate hypocritical Christians, and you always see some in the office.

2. I am back to the dance floor, hopefully for a longer period this time.

3. I need to get rid of 18-20 pounds, solid.

4. I enjoy home cooking by my hubby. And he enjoys it a lot too.

5. I have to dye my hair once every three weeks.

6. My favorite food: chocolate, steaks, asparagus, siu mai, wings and chips.

7. I hate waking up early. 

8. I love perfume. 

9. I love red wine, and I seldom get drunk.

10. My supervisor likes me, who doesn't? ;)

11. I want a better job, hopefully sometime soon.

12. If you can't get along with me, you are probably an asshole or a bitch.

13. I don't mind washing dishes everyday. 

14. I am not good at cooking.

15. But I used to be good at baking.

16. I would rather be dead if I have to stop eating meat and sweet stuffs.

17. I am good at swimming.

18. I hate ball games.

19. I hate stalkers.

20. I respect gay people and I don't think there is anything wrong with being homosexual but I don't agree with gay marriage and gay couples adopting kids.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Retail therapy, dance therapy, film therapy, wine therapy and food therapy... I love them all ! LOL! ^_^

Thursday, August 21, 2014


讀馬家輝的明報副刊文章談到剛猝死的曾澍基,提到他自己和曾先生也一樣,喜歡工作後回家前喝點酒 --「但更多的時候是獨自去,慣了快樂時光,享受在回家晚飯以前小喝一杯... 白天是工作的,晚上是家人的,在黑夜貿白天的轉折點上,有那麼六十分鐘屬於自己,不應算是奢侈而只是最起碼的自愛。」

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


photo credit: Mr. Whippy: Hulton Archive/Getty images
(via Real Simple on fb)

是日為美國National Soft Serve Icecream Day,雪糕車,有哪個小孩子不喜歡?多年來都覺得雪糕車賣的軟雪糕又軟又滑,有其獨特的味道,炎炎夏日在街上見到都難以抵擋。

記得Harry Pottter中一演員Rupert Grint,兩年前便買了一架雪糕車,免費送雪糕給孩子吃,多麼有創意又有意義。





Monday, August 18, 2014


"Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day... make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular. I know I did." ~ from the movie "Jack", starring Robin Williams

Thursday, August 14, 2014

His Faces

source : Business Insider

Saturday, August 09, 2014





Wednesday, August 06, 2014


近日喜歡Playmobil,尤其是那幾個像抽獎一樣的blindbag系列,一個系列有十二款,要靠手摸來猜裏面是哪款是高難度。前前後後買了五個(blindbag series),另外兩個送人。昨天又興起去逛逛,最終都沒有買,因為抽到喜歡的機會少,失望的機會太高了。

Servers not Servants


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Benefit Brow Zings

第一次買這個化妝品牌,其實留意了很久,但始終未有機會試用。這回因為要買brow set,看了reviews發現Benefit Brow Zings很不錯,雖然找友人代買有折,不過不等了,正價是$315,蠻化算。