這個月做了許多令自己高興的事. 尤其是因為放大假, 不用上班的日子, 很多思想的空間, 亦有很多享受的時候. 還有節日氣氛濃厚, 明明應該要節儉卻四出購物, 好像不用付錢一樣!
修甲, 剪髮, 焗油, 按摩, facial, 跳舞, 買袋, 買衫, 去喜歡的餐廳吃東西, 看想看的電影, 送禮物給親朋好友, 見想見的人, 做想做的事情.
餘下的數天假期, 希望有點陽光, 有多點正能量, 因為氹完一輪自己, 好像有點失落了.
New Otani Hotel (我們住的酒店)
We are on our third day of our trip in
At the revised appointed time, all four members congregated in one of the hotel room to discuss the itinerary for the day. Good thing for us, Taxi Kicker and Police Seeker have both done their research thoroughly. The discuss was not so much a discuss so to speak, but more of Little Sweet Potato and me listening while Taxi Kicker and Police Seeker told us about the suggested itinerary. In no time it was agreed that the itinerary of the day is to be as follow:-
Having agreed on the itinerary the next thing we had to decide was the mode of transport. We had two options either we take the bus which cost 400 yen each and will take us about half an hour or we take the taxi. Given the fact that our taxi trip from the airport to the hotel only cost us around 2000 yen, Police Seeker suggested we take the taxi. But just to be on the safe side we should ask the hotel receptionist how much it would cost if we do take the taxi. It turns out that the taxi trip to the Outlet shop would cost us a small fortune, so we decided to take the bus.
The bus trip was quite pleasant. We only had to wait for about five minutes before the bus arrived. We witness the hustling and buzzing city recede into the serene sea side town. Beautiful houses lined the road along the way. We even saw the Chinese embassy at one point. (個中國領事館好大吓!)
There were plenty of shops at the Outlet shops complex. But the first order of things FOOD!!! But what to eat?? No worries, we have been told by one of our member that
Lunch for four consist of Spaghetti Bolognese, Spaghetti Carbonara, seafood risotto and local pizza. The spaghettis were a total let down but the local pizza (明太子pizza) was quite nice. Can't comment on the risotto cos it's not my forte and I didn't eat any. Was told it was okay though.
It was shopping time after lunch. We (i.e. The girls and the guy) agreed to go our separate ways and meet back at around 3pm which mean we have about 1hr and 30 mins to shop. At 3pm the lone figure of Little Sweet Potato showed up at the meeting telling me that the girls need more time. Apparently they were at the Pharmacy for almost 1 hour. I was told one particular member was grabbing everything within sight. Anyway, we ended up spending an extra 1 and a half hours shopping. That effectively ruled out shopping in the other shopping area we have talked about earlier. Biggest spender of the day was Taxi Kicker. Not one to return empty handed, I managed to get a towel and a floor mat there!
Next destination, the Ferris wheel!! There were two Ferris Wheels next door to the Outlet shops. A smaller one and a bigger one. Being Chinese, we are of course "Kai Su" so we went on the bigger one (應該有三十層樓高, 你都咪話唔驚!). The view was pretty good. Can't help but think about the accident that happened earlier during the year though. The fact that one of our members is very afraid of heights does not help either. The look she had on her face seems to radiate fear. We had to synchronise our moments when we were moving within the compartment. (要同步移動因為四人中有兩位較重嘛!)
After the Ferris wheel, it was back to down town
The girls then decided to go to Iwataya (岩田屋) to buy some gifts for their friends. Iwataya!! The one place I was worried about. Cause, unbeknown to the rest of the group members I was fighting a lone battle within myself. I actually saw a particular item that I wanted to buy the night before. Although I did not mention it again during the day, I was actually thinking of whether to buy that item or not. To buy or not to buy. That is the question. While the girls were busy selecting gifts for their friends, Little Sweet Potato came up to me and asked if I wanted to buy the item. Alas, that was the last straw. How can I resist the temptation when it is so near? I ended up buying that item and overtaking Taxi Kicker on the amount of money spent during the day!!
(有人買了一件心頭好... 價位比我那四萬多日元的化妝品及濕碎東西昂貴十多倍!!!!!)
Now for the last item on the itinerary! FOOD!! What more, in the “Decent” restaurant. But wait. What constitute decent? Your definition of decent may be different from mine. What is more, what does it mean coming from Police Seeker aka the Insurance Highflyer??? Anyway, while it was not explained to us in detail we have been told in no uncertain terms that, that is the expectation of Police Seeker for the night. Bear in mind, by now we have left the hotel for more than 11 hours practically shopping and walking around non-stop apart from lunch and the Ferris wheel. It was cold, raining and we were probably carrying around 5 to 6 kilos of stuff each. And to top it off, we were in the middle of a city we were not familiar with looking for a “Decent” restaurant which was not defined.
Anyway, we decided to try our luck down the road. Four practically blind mice were running down a road filled with puddles. The first “decent” looking restaurant from the outside turned out to be a weird place where people had to eat standing. That did not qualify as a decent restaurant to me let alone to Police Seeker aka the Insurance Highflyer. So we decided to run down the road for another 50 meters. Police Seeker surveyed the building and thought two restaurants looked barely passable. Meanwhile I looked at Taxi Kicker who was by now drenched in rain and wondered when she will show some of her taxi kicking attitude. To my surprise, she was very accommodating and even suggested we walk further down the road. Police Seeker in the meantime decided that although the two restaurants looked passable, they were not her idea of “decent” instead she has decided to go across the street to look for alternative. By now, the remaining three practically blind mice have decided to stay put while she did her exploration. To my surprise, Police Seeker bid us to go over to her indicating that a “decent” restaurant has finally been found. We were told that there were not only one, but two “decent” restaurants in that one building. At this point I commented to Taxi Kicker that whatever decision we are to make, we have to be quick as it was a Friday night and we are after all in down town
Anyway, Police Seeker has chosen the restaurant on the 4th floor as opposed to the 3rd floor. I was just glad that we will finally be out of the rain. Just as we thought we have found our perfect restaurant, we were told that the restaurant was full and that we were not even allowed to wait for a table. At this point, Police Seeker did not look too happy but we quickly suggested we try the restaurant below. To our relief, while they did not have a table for us immediately a table would be available for us in ten minutes. To top it off, they had five chairs for us to sit on while waiting. I can't begin to express how it felt to be able to finally sit down. At this point, Police Seeker requested that we should have a separate "compartment"!!! To which the waiter just gave a blank look (this is in a country where the waiters don't even understand "bill" in English). By this time, the rest of the three practically blind mice just laughed our heads off. One minute later we found out how lucky we were as the next group that came in were turned away.