mare - an adult female horse or other equine.
colt - young male horse, under the age of four.
filly - young female horse too young to be called a mare.
仲有噃, 唔講都唔識...
equidae - the family of horse-like animals
foal - a horse that is one year old or younger
weanling - an animal that has just been weaned
yearling - a young horse of either sex that is between one and two years old
stallion - a male horse that has not been castrated
gelding - a castrated animal
妳都真係幾得意 ga 噃! 妳鍾意馬?
唔得意邊得有人嚟睇吓啫! XD
I should link that to my girl, she might wants to know about them.
Thanks for sharing this to us.
cr: 我聽過colt, mare, 但唔知有咩分別囉.
aulina: thoroughbred... 淨係知跑馬同equestrian有好多名稱...
tonia: u r welcome! :)
sa: 點解?
我地係咪準備2008奧運, 所以一齊學下呢? 好呀!!!
虎茶: 哈, 咁我又醒唔起噃.
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