除了編織毛衣外, 公車上什麼行為也令我怕怕?
1. 編織毛衣
2. 張開報紙看, 不理有沒有阻礙旁人
3. 吃橙 - 好大陣味啫
4. 四十二個購物袋霸佔兩三個座位也容納不了的, 又或阻塞通道
5. 小巴上大開窗子讓風吹進來, 卻吹得人一面麻木頸也歪了
6. 從上車傾電話至下車還要整車人都聽到
7. 脫掉鞋子放在對面椅子上
8. 到站還不肯按鐘
9. 上車時用手袋背擲在八達通機上數吓未能成功仍不肯拿卡出來嘟
You're an impassioned individual who just can't suppress your ideals. You've got a strong sense of right and wrong, and want to let people know when they've crossed the line. Sure, there are times when you sit back to hear both sides of an argument. But people had better stay out of the way when your fiery passions take hold.
But just because you can be a bit of a rebel with a cause, it doesn't mean you're incapable of being understanding and compassionate. It's because you're so invested in your ideas and interests that you can work so tirelessly toward your goals and speak up for what you believe in. So keep pouring your heart into it. With conviction like yours, you're sure to succeed!