首先, 玩了一個tickle的Birth Order與性格的測驗: The Influence of Birth Order ~ Discover How It Affects Your Personality.

長女長子真的都是比較優秀, 可說是無容置疑.
"of the first twenty-three American astronauts sent into outer space, twenty-one were firstborns and the other two were only children"(Birth Order & Spacing)
子女間如果相隔年歲更多, 他們會較易適應.
"children have an easier adjustment if siblings are not extremely close in age"(Birth Order & Spacing)
不過亦有學者認為兄弟姊妹的多寡比Birth Order的影響更大.

- Openness to experience: Firstborns are more conforming, traditional, and closely identified with parents.
- Conscientiousness: Firstborns are more responsible, achievement-oriented, and organized.
- Agreeableness: Latterborns are more easygoing, cooperative, and popular.
- Neurosis (emotional instability): Firstborns are more jealous, anxious, neurotic, and fearful.
- Extroversion: Firstborns are more outgoing, assertive, and likely to exhibit leadership qualities.

How Your Birth Order Affects Your Romantic Compatibility(這個和上次說的婚姻匹配差不多)
最好的配搭: 獨子與幼女, 長子與幼女, 次子與幼女
最差的配搭: 次子與次女, 次子與幼女, 孻子與孻女
最最差: 獨子與獨女, 沒有姊姊的孻子與沒有兄長的孻女
Birth Order May Affect Homosexuality
這個聽了多年的了, 就是有許多兄長的孻子比較容易有同性戀傾向.
3: 長女直成玩哂!
五: 長子配幼女, fit到痺啦.
我係孻女(沒有兄長)加孻仔... 好弊...
"我係孻女(沒有兄長)加孻仔... 好弊..."
唏~ 負負得正吖嘛~
didn't mention only girl neither boh...
Din: 唔方唔負.
lu: 有架. Only Child is mentioned in different articles.
我覺得係靚女就夾架啦~ ha
最好的配搭: 獨子與幼女, 長子與幼女, 次子與幼女
最差的配搭: 次子與次女, 次子與幼女, 孻子與孻女
baggioowen: ha!
anon: 係喎... 咁即係點? :)
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