放低了咖啡十多年, 過去一年以來又重拾這個"癖好", 一發不可收拾. 知道咖啡不宜多喝, 尤其是自己這個不知從何時開始已跳得不正常的心臟, "沉迷"咖啡有如吸毒, 但我向來這方面都比較弱, 要我戒, 不易.
雖然不會像老外一樣一天數杯那麼傷胃, 但很少會一天不喝一杯咖啡. 這陣子已到了"飢不擇食"的地步. 那天, 看完物理治療, 在那個以往一年也不去一次的地區, 路過一間上海店, 吃了一個嫩雞煨麵, 竟也叫了一杯咖啡. 點了菜, 聽到店員問另一店員: "晚上的咖啡是用機抑或即沖的?" 看來很少客人叫咖啡, 我知道我的決定可能大錯特錯, 但我也義無反顧, 上海店的咖啡, 倒也不太難喝!
Yes, i love coffee too.
BTW, illy, is another good choice as well. Actually they are really smart in the market. Other than launching its own brand coffee shops in high rented area, they tie-in with other catering bz, now they can enjoy more market share and coverage in the market with lower retail cost.
They serve good coffee, you can try anywhere if the cafes show the logo "illy".
Have a good try!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
我也是一樣(一樣「為咖啡狂」,而不是「放低了咖啡十多年」)。全盛時期,在公司自己檯頭有滴漏機,家裡有 expresso機。一日數杯!
現在已減了,因為心跳、胃痛。但通常 lunch 後仍會要杯 expresso。
kajie: i know illy, but maybe tried it once or twice only, no memories of it. let me try it next time. happy mid-autumn to u too!
五師兄: wow, espresso is so strong. u are more crazy than me.
but i really shouldn't drink coffee... :(
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