
上學期 - 品性純良, 勇於服務
下學期 - 天資聰穎, 口齒伶俐
上學期 - 有美術天才
下學期 - 品性良善, 忠誠可嘉 (1st out of 49)
上學期 - 天資聰穎, 品學兼優, 為全班之冠
下學期 - 好學不倦, 成績優異, 亦樂於服務, 佳子弟也 (1st out of 49)
上學期 - 守規向學, 服務精神甚佳
下學期 - 奉公守法, 有領袖才
上學期 - 勤學習, 明責任
下學期 - 勤謹向學, 用心服務 (2nd out of 47)
上學期 - 勤學守規, 用心服務
下學期 - 品性純良, 學業良好 (4th out of 44)
上學期 - 學習認真, 功課整潔
下學期 - 資質頗佳, 惜漸好多言, 宜加改善
上學期 - 再加努力, 進步可期
下學期 - 活潑好動, 尚知努力學習
1st term - A pleasant and intelligent girl. XXX is capable of doing much better by putting more effort in her work!
2nd term - Clever and willing to learn, XXX has achieved good results this term!
1st term - Some improvement has been made but it is still far from what is expected.
2nd term - XXX is self-centered and talkative. She must learn to be more susceptible to advice. She must take Maths course in summer.
1st term - Satisfactory in most subjects but capable of further achievement.
2nd term - XXX is capable of further progress.
1st term - XXX is making some progress recently. She can attain a higher standard if she tries harder.
2nd term - Actually XXX could have done better. She is frank and initiative.
XXX has shown an overall satisfaction in school work while she has to try harder in Biology. A steady worker.
F.6 & F.7嘅響另一本/張成績單上, 搵唔到...
可見我係"小時了了"果隻... =__= 雖則會考張cert都仲見得吓人...
"學習認真, 功課整潔"……不如唔好寫丫,唔該。
"Some improvement has been made but it is still far from what is expected" 呢d口講得啦下嘩?
"is self-centered and talkative. She must learn to be more susceptible to advice." 你一定得罪咗佢囉!
親愛嘅阿大, 小學嘅成績表評語, 個個都差唔多 ga 噃!
"惜漸好多言, 宜加改善"
It is unbelievable that you still keep your report cards of primary and secondary schoo.
I have lost mine long time ago.
Nothing pround to remember anyway.
Your results are more or less same as me, but I think you did better in HKCEE!
My result deteriorated steadily once I got to secondary school. I was grateful that I managed to finish my HKCEE without failing any subject. And that my father sent me to the UK, so that I could get a decent set of result for my A level.
"如果小時候再稍加努力," 的話!!!!
呵呵呵呵~~~~ 真~~~~ 係~
小蓓: 我家姐仲勁, 有一年老師寫俾佢: 秀外慧中, 班之翹楚!
3: 直成荒謬啦, 果陣都覺睇完無咩感受, 俾人讚開忽然間有年戈寫啲咁"行"嘅就真係掃興囉. 宜家睇番都覺得好多都寫得好無聊. 寫self-centered & talkative果年F.2, 真係好曳, 個班主任勁討厭. 不過反叛期, 中學點都要曳吓既. :)
karelian: 細個就叻, 中學就一落千仗...
Din: 小五已經多言, 死未! 個個都差不多, 緊係唔係啦!
uncle ray: i keep a lot of things. :) these are my treasures.
andy: "result deteriorated steadily once I got to secondary school" yup, same here. was always among top ten in class in primary ga ma, but then i did not so well in secondary.
kajie: 唔慌唔優啦.
You mush have a very big mansion to keep all your treasures :)
uncle ray: well, next time let me invite you to my flat and see how big it is loh...
haha.似乎小五下學期(資質頗佳, 惜漸好多言, 宜加改善)是個轉捩點,跟住整體趨勢有向下調整跡象...發生了甚麼事?
orangutan: "轉捩點,跟住整體趨勢有向下調整跡象" exactly!!!! 我都唔知, 真性情終於竹出黎卦... 同埋屋企環境好咗, 個心玩到創咗卦... :) 好多藉口.
謝謝你的分享!很難得連幼稚園成績表都仲留住!嘩,你小學時已經是人才了,中學老師反而著重學生成績罷了,不過F.2take maths course那個很坦白哩,我的遭遇也近似,哈哈。
josephine: 好多野都留低架我. :) "你小學時已經是人才了" 才鬼才馬啦, 小時了了... 一到小五/六, 個個跌眼鏡, 一路係咁跌. 中學無得再入三甲, 都幾唔開心架. D數真係好唔掂. 好彩hkcee都D 到! :)
F.2 的老師寫D咁o既評語,點睇都似你得罪左佢....@_@
maki: 不過果年係超曳, 上堂食糖, 寸寸"共", 手戴十隻戒指, 大考幾科唔合格, 成日上堂傾偈... 諸事做盡... :)
噢﹐很久冇寫留言﹐呢次想講是﹐我校一條龍由小一到中七﹐整整十三年﹐祇分小學和中學兩章Report Cards, 易於保存﹐六年小學七年中學﹐成績﹑評語﹑名次﹐一目瞭然!
inner space: 咁你一定係齋校... raimondi/WYC/SLS/SPC... 港島吖嘛??
gabriel: 我細個好少俾人鬧, 曳囝幾年係成績衰D, 升到班阿媽都唔會嘈. :)
我剛剛跟你相反,小時未定性又貪玩,成績祗是中規中矩,上了中學開始愈來愈喜歡唸書,相對地成績也愈來愈好 ...
評語上常見字: 品學兼優 :)
風信子: 好羨慕啲中學先叻既人... :(
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