Your heart certainly has some strong feelings, you're just not sure if you're ready to let them show. You could be someone's secret admirer, or maybe you just haven't truly expressed how deep your feelings run. Maybe you're still a little unsure about how you feel... or your unsure about what reaction you'll get.
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Clamming up and running away from love
Your current outlook on love: Introspective and a bit detached
Your love life will improve if you: Put yourself out there a little more. If you don't try, you'll never know.
Watch out for: Having a one sided romance - you need to be sure you're feelings are reciprocated
Fresh, spirited, and classic - you have many facets to your personality. You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex. You have a little bit of something to offer everyone... no wonder you're so popular. Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).
Deep down you are: Dependable and modest
Your partying style: Understated and polite
Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat
Sometimes your emotions get out of control, but you usually are a pretty stable person. You can find a lot to be happy about, as long as things are going your way. But if a few bad things happen to you, you tend to go in a bit of a downward spiral. Luckily, you usually come out of it okay and no worse for the wear.
You can be best described as: attitude You've got lots of it - and you love to give it A guy has to be pretty gusty to hit on you But if he's your type, you'll warm up... a little
"A captivating and highly interesting film, Bar-Lev's My Kid Could Paint That is also something extremely rare -- a piece of honest journalism."--Sally Foster, FILM THREAT(full review)
"Skillfully shot and edited."--James Greenberg, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER(full review)
"A fascinating subject handled with intelligently provocative care."--Dennis Harvey, VARIETY(full review)
"I love a documentary that doles out both sides of an interesting story and then forces you to decide for yourself where the truth actually lies."--Scott Weinberg, CINEMATICAL(full review)
P.P.2: 上學期 - 有美術天才 下學期 - 品性良善, 忠誠可嘉 (1st out of 49)
小一: 上學期 - 天資聰穎, 品學兼優, 為全班之冠 下學期 - 好學不倦, 成績優異, 亦樂於服務, 佳子弟也 (1st out of 49)
小二: 上學期 - 守規向學, 服務精神甚佳 下學期 - 奉公守法, 有領袖才
小三: 上學期 - 勤學習, 明責任 下學期 - 勤謹向學, 用心服務 (2nd out of 47)
小四: 上學期 - 勤學守規, 用心服務 下學期 - 品性純良, 學業良好 (4th out of 44)
小五: 上學期 - 學習認真, 功課整潔 下學期 - 資質頗佳, 惜漸好多言, 宜加改善
小六: 上學期 - 再加努力, 進步可期 下學期 - 活潑好動, 尚知努力學習
F.1: 1st term - A pleasant and intelligent girl. XXX is capable of doing much better by putting more effort in her work! 2nd term - Clever and willing to learn, XXX has achieved good results this term!
F.2: 1st term - Some improvement has been made but it is still far from what is expected. 2nd term - XXX is self-centered and talkative. She must learn to be more susceptible to advice. She must take Maths course in summer.
F.3: 1st term - Satisfactory in most subjects but capable of further achievement. 2nd term - XXX is capable of further progress.
F.4: 1st term - XXX is making some progress recently. She can attain a higher standard if she tries harder. 2nd term - Actually XXX could have done better. She is frank and initiative.
F.5: XXX has shown an overall satisfaction in school work while she has to try harder in Biology. A steady worker.
看新聞介紹, 今天於美國紐約Lincoln Center有一個由Ballet Nacional de Marseille演出的芭蕾舞劇目: Metapolis II, 由比利時編舞家Frédéric Flamand及著名建築師Zaha Hadid合作的作品. 把建築的精髓放到舞台上並以舞者演繹, 真是沒有機會看過...
Frédéric Flamand於1999年找Zaha Hadid, 一直欣賞她的設計, 認為她的建築建基於動感, "She creates a very fluid space and continuous transformation. We wanted to make the dancers dance, of course, but to make the space dance too." Flamand說. 舞台上會放置三條鋁造的橋, 讓舞者和它們互動. 舞者的服裝都是Zaha Hadid包辦.
或許就如建築師Scofidio所說, "Architecture is a performance." 另一位建築師Aaron Betsky也說"Architecture is a kind of urban ballet."還有: "one of the central conceits of architecture is that it is a translation — in stone and concrete — of the human body in its proportions and its very elements, and that it’s halfway between the human body and the bigger world."