
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

You Told Me, You Love Me 你說過你愛我

今屆電影節來自德國的電影, 德語原名為"Du hast gesagt, dass Du mich liebst", 意思和英文譯名"You Told Me, You Love Me"一樣.

故事主角是退休, 失婚, 曾獲七屆國際游泳冠軍的女人Johanna. 生活就是去墳場"探望"逝世多年的母親, 到游泳池游泳, "得閒煮番幾味", 及看看書來打發時間. 生活對她來說是乏味的. 一天, 她看到報紙上的徵友廣告, 一自稱平凡的中年男士寫著, 希望找一個同時又是lover又是whore, sister, mother的伴侶. Johanna冒名寫了封信去, 那男人果然回覆並相約出來見面. 二人一見如故, 就像一見鍾情一樣. 沒有信仰的Johanna因之前曾到教堂祈禱, 求神帶領她, 然後便遇到這個男人Johannes, 她一直都認為是神安排. Johannes是個作家, 卻一直找不到出版商, 和Johanna一起之後, 事業扶搖直上, 但二人感情卻不甚如意.

Johanna熱戀當兒, 女兒也同樣愛上一個男人, 不久更在母親及其男友Johannes見證下結婚. 當一切都好像很如意時, 兩母女又差不多同時失戀.

電影給人孤單的感覺, 尤其是117分鐘裡用的音樂都是一貫的帶點悽愴又孤單的旋律, 即使劇情有點轉變, 音樂仍是那個模樣, 就是那份孤單感.

人物不多, 就是那三數個角色, 節奏頗慢, 有些悶場.

電影描寫母女關係頗細膩, 雖不是一起生活, 但感情深厚, 互相扶持, 兩母女失戀時一起去游泳, 母親叫女兒回來一起住, 二人依偎在沙發上, 每一幕都給人深刻印象.

Johanna和Johannes常常提到Du及Sie, 字幕也沒有出英語, 回來查過, Du解You, Sie解They. 他說她常常弄錯兩個字.

電影中的泳池景出現過多次, 大部份都是Johanna一個人去游泳, 想起來, 我以往不高興時也喜歡去泳池游泳的.

Johanna多次失意, 覺得自己和女兒的遭遇是冥冥中的咒詛, 是一個擺脫不了的curse. 人每遇到不能解決的問題及不能逃離的困境總以為是咀咒, 是宿命. 其實當中有多少是自己的問題呢? 我覺得Johanna對Johannes的失望或多或少都是她個人的問題.

看著女主角的退休生活, 淡淡然的, 我有一刻想著, 他日我的退休生活是否也差不多?

German Films 連結: You Told Me, You Love Me

後記: 得網友Janice提點, Du及Sie其實應該解作informal及formal的"you", 剛在網上也找到相關解說.

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Anonymous said...

that sounds like a great film, i always have a thing for german films. unfortunately the german film fest here in melbourne is quite expensive. i still remember the days how the german film fest in hong kong rape my wallet... by the way, 'du' actually is an informal form of 'you'. Whereas 'sie' could be 'she', 'they' or the formal form of 'you'. when sie is Sie - it's the formal form of you. you only use du to address people you are close to i.e. friends or people of same level. when 'ist' is used after 'sie' it means it either could be she or the informal form of you. If 'sind' is used after sie, that means what it's referring to is they. it looks like in this case it should be the informal form of you imho.

Anonymous said...

oh janice, thanks a lot for your info! yes, i love french and italian films a lot, and recent years, i started to like german films as well. there is the "german cinema returns" category at hkiff this year, isnt' it nice!

Anonymous said...

hahaa i made so many mistakes on the above comment - Let me clarify - Sie is the formal form of you!

Anonymous said...

you are still on vacation this week because of the file festival?

Anonymous said...

uncle ray: of course not lah, only last friday. work mon-wed this week ah.

Anonymous said...
