
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Apart From That 總會有晴天

"Apart From That"是今屆電影節的"自主新潮"(Indie Power)系列, 都是低成本製作, 看過簡介, 很有興趣, 說是去年美國較突出的獨立電影.

在科學館看了此片多時都未在這裡寫寫記記, 皆因不知道可以寫什麼. 看過電影節贈送的catalog, 導演一番話, 有點明白.

電影由Randy Walker及Jennifer Shainin二人合作導演. 對於此片, 他們有這樣的說法: "its audience will either love it or hate it, understand it or be confused, develop a connection to it or remain detached. We will say this, however; the film does require patience. Its story is a difficult one, jumping erratically between five strangers and three sub-plots. It also doesn't attempt to reveal all the information necessary to immediately identify every motivation and emotion touching the characters at all times."

相信我就是不太明白及感到混亂的一群觀眾了. 我不討厭此片, 只是和它找不到任何連繫, 看得有點納悶. 一齣有關家庭, 孩子, 暴力, 槍械, 性, 等題材的電影. 沒有專業的演員, 但他們都演得自然. 電影給人鬆散的感覺, 也給我很獨立電影的感覺.
沒有選擇提早離場, 因為不是我的習慣.

Variety Review: Apart From That
Seattle International Film Festival: Apart From That
Edinburgh International Film Festival: Apart From That

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