
這兩天, 腦海裡, 視覺上所接收的, 無論工作時, 在家時, 都是美國Virginia Tech大學的慘劇. 前晚和昨晚, 回家後都是CNN(74), CNN Headlines News(69), BBC(75), 間中9號台不停地看, 兩晚都看至凌晨四時多. 同事(也是在美國讀大學的)都說: "我琴晚即成obsessed(有關這個事件), 全晚不停咁睇有關報道..." 對, 我們都obsessed, 這兩天除了這件傳媒都稱之為massacre大屠殺的大學槍擊事件外, 我真的沒有其他想到的題材可以在這裡寫(噢, 對, 還有三齣電影節的電影和一篇有關文章, 遲些吧...).
昨晚二姊在家看到CNN Live而我還在街上時, 她連忙sms我, 告訴我兇手是南韓人, 不是傳聞中從上海去美國的留學生, 那時, 相信不少中國人都鬆了一口氣.
各傳媒的消息都很快, 昨晚我看過Live的convocation, 和兇手家有點頭之交的郵差的說話: "No parents deserve this." 今早又看了兇手roommates的訪問, 都說他很少說話... 教授說他去年在creative writing課的文章已察覺他troubling. 還有賣槍的店主...
很多很多, 仍在消化當中.
慘劇好像可以隨時在任何一個地方發生, 任何一間美國大學... 為什麼沒有槍械管制? 為什麼近乎每年都有的校園槍擊仍沒有更好的法例?
舒了一口氣是因為, 大家都擔心華人在美國可能會遇到更不能接受的目光及待遇.
當然殺人與種族沒有關連, 但可大部份人不會這樣看. 尤其當兇手不是美國白人時, 眾人都不免去猜度兇手的背景及種族會否是疑團的其中一個可能的線索.
All my thoughts to the victims and their families in the VT shooting incident.
I condemn the US media for distributing false info about the shooter and blamed " being a chinese" without verfication. They should apologise to ALL the chinese
they were pointing fingers at we chinese ......they even sent news teams to Shanghai to dig out the family now they found out they were wrong !!!
We demand an apology !!!
One victim confirmed to a chinese Henry Lee
inner space: not sure about the source... some said chicago sun times.
But "Lee" can be Korean as well... or even a white person...
inner space- I think the media make the mistake unintentionally. They should apologise but no need to get too excited about it.
We Chinese have committed crime and murder all over the world. Do all Chinese need to apologise to all people in the world?
Uncle Ray,
The americans have done more crime in the world but they never apologise but making excuses !
aulina said...
But "Lee" can be Korean as well... or even a white person...
其實兇手是甚麼國籍,有分別嗎? 有分別嗎?!!
首先是發生的國家, 即受害者﹐其次是引發者的國籍﹐即今次的鎗手, 大有關係。
這錯誤報導若在某一些國家﹐唐人街已被火燒﹐華籍婦女被輪強姦﹐B4 真正引發者的國籍被證實。
上次的發生了的有關圖片﹐ I can Email you to renew your memories.
inner space/aulina: 係呀, Henry Lee係越南華僑.
xiao zhu: 兇手係咩國籍本來應該無關係, 但個結果的確會有唔同. inner space既解釋好清楚 "這錯誤報導若在某一些國家﹐唐人街已被火燒﹐華籍婦女被輪強姦﹐B4 真正引發者的國籍被證實" --> 係架. 如果個兇手係華人, 你估美國今次又有D咩藉口對付中國. 我同同事都話好彩唔係chinese做. 講真, 最簡單最簡單既結果就係, 如果係華人做, V Tech唔會再咁易收chinese學生先啦, 然後可能附近甚至好多U都會咁做... 然後又可能上海申請去美國visa會勁難... 呢D只係小事. racial hatred先慘.
inner space- I have no idea which countries in the world commit most crime. I don't think there is a statistics on that and it is purely a emotional judgement.
I think it is just natural for people to make excuses for their mistake. I don't mean it is right to do but I don't see any difference in being a Chinese or American on that.
inner space- I have no idea which countries in the world commit most crime. I don't think there is a statistics on that and it is purely a emotional judgement.
I think it is just natural for people to make excuses for their mistake. I don't mean it is right to do but I don't see any difference in being a Chinese or American on that.
UncleRay, about the legitimacy of my statement please search on the WEB! NOTthing emotional and personal ﹐ IF I hurt your feelings I am sorry!
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