
Thursday, April 19, 2007


公司指引, 關於美國Virginia Tech的新聞, 有些傳媒(別家的)用字不當, 要注意:

the deadliest school *shooting* in U-S history, 但不是the deadliest school *massacre.*

原來1927年, 美國密芝根州有過這樣的恐怖事件:

On May 18, 1927, Andrew Kehoe, a deranged school board member, placed a bomb in the Bath Consolidated School. After the bomb exploded, Kehoe killed himself. By day's end, forty-five people in Bath, including Kehoe's wife, who he murdered, were dead. Sixty-one teachers and students were hurt. (Michigan Historical Center

另外, 形容這次事件是massacre是對的:
"massacre" - defined as "the act or an instance of killing a large number of human beings indiscriminately and cruelly."
但絕對不是shooting spree:
"spree": "a carefree, lively outing."

還有, 有些電視台多次說:
something at Virginia Tech went "terribly wrong."
老細說, "terribly wrong"已變成cliche, 不要再亂用.


aulina said...

講開用字,今日我俾個同事激死咗... 貓俾你睇。

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

South Korea Embassy asking the VT Korean Visa Students to repatriate, and suggested the Korean Americans with sons and daughters at VT to bring them home, as a precaution measure.

Do you have this news ?