
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nothing Better Nothing Worse

這句其實是這星期好友們問候我的近況時我答的說話: Nothing better nothing worse.

是停滯不前? 是沒有好轉沒有變壞? 是安於現狀? 是不過不失? 隨你演繹.

在msn上, 在fb上, 都更新了, 用這句.

友人問為什麼. 不是嗎? 眼見身邊患病的患病, 有人喪失了生命, 有人失去了至親, 有人喪失家園. 我沒有擁有很多, 不過已經很富足了, 是心靈上應有的富足.

Nothing Better Nothing Worse. 還要奢望什麼? 又是正能量的時候. :)

上網google這句, 找到一個forum. 有人寫了一些句子.


There is nothing better than getting drunk and doing something silly.
There is nothing worse than getting drunk and doing something silly and end up screwing things up and feeling terribly regretful.


lu said...

有時候會想,能夠處於同一個狀態也是一種幸福~(是因為我懶惰嗎??!! :P)

mad dog said...

我擺到明係懶. :)

Anonymous said...

This is what I feel lately too. And i strongly agree with the last 2 sentences even more.

been reading ur blog from time to time. Keep it up! always like ur posts!

mad dog said...

sillie me: thanks a lot! :)