
Saturday, May 24, 2008


© Burt Glinn / Magnum Photos

一幅從slate的Today's Pictures(A Need for Speed)拿來的相片, 很有代表性的一幅. 1996年的紐約市. 是時代廣場外的繁忙鬧市.

1996年, 也是我第一次到紐約市的一年. 那年去了兩次. 一次是二月, 一次是六月.

之後, 1998年至2002年間, 忘記去了三次抑或四次了(還是只是兩次?). 曾經對她有點不屑. 太嘈吵, 人又太沒禮貌. 不過多年後, 紐約市總會令人懷念她. 然後又發覺, 其實她很可愛.

紐約市一定不是我最喜歡的美國城市. 不過每一次去, 總有令人興奮的地方.

剛才再上slate.com看, 是Brooklyn Bridge的生日! 又是紐約市. 很值得一看的相片: Happy Birthday, Brooklyn Bridge! 想起船頭尺(秋天的童話)說的一句: "book屋卵橋"...


tofufa said...

I had just came back from there...not sure when I will write about the many backlogs already >.<

Anonymous said...

其實以前Times Square是紅燈區,當年市長朱利安尼掃黃,將Times Square大改革,現在才變得乾淨一點。


另:Times Square中文名其實應該是時報廣場,因為《紐約時報》(New York Times)的總部設在那兒而得名。

mad dog said...

tofufa: waiting for ur updates then! :)

readandeat: 咁宜家New York Times仲係咪喺Times Sq.?

Anonymous said...


The paper moved its headquarters to 42nd Street in 1904, giving its name to Times Square, where the New Year's Eve tradition of lowering a lighted ball from the Times building was started by the paper. After nine years in Times Square, the paper relocated to 229 West 43rd Street. It remained there until spring 2007, and is now three blocks south at 620 Eighth Avenue. The original Times Square building, known as One Times Square, was sold in 1961

mad dog said...

thanks readandeat!