有看明珠台(或其他台也有?)應該見過俊男Jonathan Rhys Meyers的Hugo香水廣告. 我在這裡今次已是第三次說他了. 一次是六月的新寵兒, 上一次是十月提過的Versace廣告.
那晚看錄影了的"ER", 幸而看到那個Hugo Boss廣告, 第一次在電視廣告上見到他啊!

知道許多女子和我的taste不同, 每當我說起Jude Law, Jonathan Rhys Meyers及明哥時, 都沒有人和應. 不過不打緊, 自己喜歡便可以.
剛才在網上找到個Jonanthan Rhys Meyers的fans網站, 上面的相片(除第一張昨晚在google已找到外)都是在這裡找到的: JRMfansite.
當中有個photo gallery, 除上面的Hugo Boss campaign外, 還有明年的電影The Tudors的劇照. 另外還有許多其他場合及電影的相片, 影迷萬勿錯過!
剛才再細看那個影迷網頁, 給我發現香港的發哥竟有緣與JRM拍片呢! 是明年便上映的"The Children of Huang Shi"!
i like jude law a lot but for jon... hm... he's a little different =) he's so unlike jude and definitely not my type hehehe still i like the graphics of the boss advertisement!
cheryl, ur site is finally up again! thought it just vanished for good! u know what, jude law came over to hk a couple of weeks ago and i almost saw him... waited for 15 mins since i knew he would be in my office building! and he was late... and i had to rush to friday nite ballet class... :(
u meant hugh jackman right? hmm, not really like him, just saw "scoop" y'day. john cusack doesn't have a lot of roles. and guess u know who his sister is right.
Il Divo那4個「型男」你覺得如何?
無咩點聽過, 對佢地印象唔深. 咁你話邊個最正?
Jude Law係幾好,Jonathan就好似嫩左D(外型和演技).睇黎你係鍾意metrosexual(都市玉男?)型喎...
hahah! metrosexual! i like this term! :)
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