放假前的一天, 滿腦子除了都是節日及今天務必要早點回家外, 真的沒有其他. 差點連寫blog也沒有頭緒. 聖誕節當天母家會有個小派對, 我應承負責兩樣finger foods及我那拿手的mulled wine. 現在正想, 整什麼finger foods好呢?

Martha Stewart的網站搜尋了一會, 嘩, 太Pro了. 除非我有個五百尺的大廚房吧(好一個藉口!). 曲奇, bread pudding, fruit cake等真的要大費周章, 雖則阿姐我是個整餅能手(沒有騙你, 雖然家常便飯不懂, 我中學會考有考家政的, 老師還估計我拿"A"呢, 雖然最後令她失望. 不過自那個時代起, 我都頗會造餅及甜品), 地方有限, 還要班門弄虎有點不切實際.
或許搜尋思索一整天, 最後都是弄一些簡單得不得了的小吃罷了. 午飯時段更想撲出買Panettone(昨天去過Lee

Garden的Gourmet沒有, CitySuper那些又比去年貴了許多), 順便找些小孩子們的廉價禮物, 也順道吃個味美Friday lunch.
祝大家有個快樂冬至, 和家人平平安安, 暖暖笠笠!
CitySuper is super super super crowded. Very horrible!
Finally, I bought a bottle of clotted cream to enjoy during Christmas. XDDDD
Merry Christmas. May you have peace and fun during the holiday!!
i went there last nite, seems like CNY! crazy... i bought something there (christmas pudding, chocolates, shopping bag) and this afternoon, i bought a panettone at il bel paese (italian) and some small gifts for kids. some more shopping tomorrow and christmas eve too...
Merry Christmas to you too Carrie!
cookie, fruit cake, bread pudding are so easy to make ah...hahaa..i dun have a BIG kitchen but i do it!!! :)
Oh...i always go to il bel paese...maybe...will meet you there one day!!!
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