由於市面上不再容易找到ER Season 5-8的DVD, 即使有也頗昂貴又或不齊全. 後來二姊好友得悉她家附近有一小影碟店有售, 那天便跑了去購買.
影碟好像是日本版(?!), 多種語言字幕, 但盒上明顯是內地包裝, 看到盒背的中英文對照介紹, 笑了我好一會.
這是發生在美國芝加哥一家急診室的故事. 這裡每天收治的都是需要急救的病人. 每位醫護人員都用自己的高超的醫術和仁慈的愛心對每一位患者進行救助. 每天有很多人從這裡健康的走出, 也有很多生命在這裡畫上句號. 但是彌漫在急診室裡的溫暖感人的空氣, 卻一直沒有變過...
This is occurs in an American Chicago emergency room story. Hereadmits the patient every day which all is needs to administer firstaid. Each medical care personnel all use oneself The execellent medical skill and the benevolent compassion carryon the rescue to each patient. Every day has very many people fromhere health going out, also has very many lives to mark the period inhere. But fills the air in the emergency room warm touching air, has not changed actually...

好搞笑,我用google translate翻譯都好過距~
This story takes place in a Chicago emergency room. Here are daily treated patients needing urgent treatment. Every health care with their superb skills and for every kind of love patients relief. From the day a lot of people out of here healthy. a lot of lives here, period. But moving the warmth filled the air in the emergency room. has not changed ...
好 yeah 咖真係!
又好似菜牌 oD中英翻譯 o甘, 乾炒牛河好似叫 Fxxk fried cow river!
..... 喃嘸喃嘸喃嘸訶里陀~~~~~
所以, 而家要在2008年前劃一翻譯囉.
mr. bibe: 呢D翻譯野, 等aulina放完假返黎叫佢譯啦. 我唔獻醜啦.
anonymous: 果然順口過佢喎.
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