男人, 不要對他們那麼好
有時, 好友比娛樂記者更尖銳
說話, 永遠是最能傷害人的武器
如果時間可以倒流, 我想回到98年尾99年頭, 及2004年.
原來幾天沒有機會寫blog可以令人十分沮喪 (尤其是地震後一整天都無法上來寫東寫西)
"When Harry Met Sally"的故事吸引人, 因為我們都憧憬會發生在自己身上
不要相信我在這裡給人的形象/感覺, 現實中的我比在網上展露給人的一面更灰更down
1/ 今天乘專線小巴, 司機名字是"自來", 第一樣聯想到的是自來貓. 為什麼他的父母會給他起這樣的一個名字? 或許他是"意外"的?
2/ 這是二月以來最長一次沒有寫blog, 渾身不自在
Hope u r OK. Actually it's about time to think abt "what's life for" :)
希望新的一年,有新生命的改變 :)
the sunken cost - things happened are not meant to be mended even they have been flawed. cheer up and don't let the past cost you more =)
i've had a "harry and sally" relationship before but of course it didn't turn out to be a working one. used to think that the type of relationship is ideal yet possible... perhaps it works with some people but certainly not with the type of person like me. sometimes i hate movies for they get us to absorbed with rosy-glasses fantasies... that never exist or partially exist in real life *sigh*
終於入到 o黎!
本來諗住呢幾日唔寫住. 但我今日都諗住寫一篇郁 oD寬頻公司. 唔知入唔入到去 blogger 入面呢?
"不要相信我在這裡給人的形象/感覺, 現實中的我比在網上展露給人的一面更灰更down"
Hmmmmm.... 完全明白到.
我們都不喜歡如此. 若真的非常非常不開心, 寧可自己潛行消失. 對否?
祝上到網寫到 Blog. :)
哇,有 "開張" po 文耶!
每逢佳節倍傷感: 非常明白!我聖誕節其實很depressed!
不要相信我在這裡給人的形象/感覺, 現實中的我比在網上展露給人的一面更灰更down: 也非常明白!!
don't think about the sadness, relax and enjoy your holiday!
"現實中的我比在網上展露給人的一面更灰更down" - Now I know I am not alone. Wish we get better in the coming year.
唉, 琴日連自己個blog都入唔到, blogger更加access唔到. 今日好似一樣咁衰, 但攪左成個鐘先睇完D emails, 宜家可以入黎回覆, 人都癲!
kajie: 日子...力量... 唉迫住要倏強人... 多謝! 也祝你新的一年一切安好, 主恩滿溢!
cheryl: thanks. yes, sometimes i think we see too many movies and read too many love stories. but don't u think that sometimes real lives are more dramatic than fiction?
LDD: replied u via email.
carrie: ha! u will find a way! 佳節過了, 人也鬆了起來.
muggle: 台灣的地震引起網路上的擠塞... 這兩天也無法寫blog啊! 你那邊上到?
yuen luk luk: thanks! Happy New Year to you too!
micah: 忘記了我是哪型人? 這兩天很難上網, 遲些再找找, 我在blog上也寫過及分享自己的類型. 有時覺得作為基督徒, 愛是一門更艱難的學問. "活在感性的憂鬱裡。適量的感性是美,但過量的會使你枯乾", 很感謝你的鼓勵, 你說得很好!
ruth: yes, maybe it's my character too, i like to give people a +ve and happy image, if i write too many sad posts, people will be bored to death.
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