我對球衣沒有特別喜好或反感, 不過知道不少男士, 不論年紀, 都因為是球迷而喜歡上班以外的日子都一味穿著球衣.
我也知道好些絕版球衣價值不菲. 前年去西班牙葡萄牙時, 也有到一售賣皇馬球衣及用品的店舖, 不少港人旅客都似瘋了一樣搜購.
我父也是球迷, 印象中卻近乎從沒見過他穿球衣, 雖然他年輕時是有參加球隊, 還常對我們說他的球衣是什麼號數. 他是個很著重衣著的人, 雖不是一味只買貴價服裝, 但是個很會打扮的男人, 即使週末或和我們去遠足又或海外旅遊也不會穿球衣.

聽聞不少女士是介意男朋友終日只懂穿球衣. 尤其是當他們不是去球賽或踢球或運動, 而是約她們去看戲行街吃飯也只會穿球衣. 我從沒有這個經驗, 但心想, 如果我的另一半只愛穿球衣我會介意嗎? 不知道.
男士們, 你們的另一半曾否和你反映過? 又或雖然她不說出口, 你們會否明明見到她刻意打扮和你上街, 你卻依然是碧咸7號或23號??? 又或曼聯/利物浦/皇馬球衣去吃buffet?
當然如果她不論你穿什麼都無所謂就最好了. 不過我要告訴你, 女人不是什麼也直說出口的!
哈, 我從來都唔著球衣.
但曾幾何時, 瘋狂迷上兼成日著棒球衫. 當年廿一, 廿二歲.
前一兩年, 有一次著畀 oD朋友笑. 都唔知有乜好笑?!
I usually wear polo shirt or even shirt with black jeans when going out. My wife complaint that it is too boring. So she asked me to buy 波衫 instead,just for a change.
另,女裝的球衣通常都好sexy,超窄身的短tee,殺死人!!! (尤其巴西球衣,一絕!)
巔: 你個look著波衫都真係幾好笑既... 恭喜你有啲咁好既朋友提點你!
五: 竟然會有女人叫男人著波衫???? 第一次聽...
kajie: 你細佬? :) 點解佢地咁鍾意著呢呵?
我也是不愛穿球衣的人, 不喜歡那些material.
uncle ray: 不過咁大件唔係應該通爽架咩?
五: 咁如果鍾意既無計... 好似老夫子咁, 永遠得一件衫...
nikitac: 咁我又無研究/認識噃. 我以為啲波衫咁闊, 應該幾爽添.
i kind of hate it. even beakham, he doesn't look sexy on 波衫 at all, comparing with his gucci outfit.
maki: 一啲啲啦, 但好多本身都唔踢足球嘅.
imak: :) beckham著波衫都ok嘅.
yes, my brother (細路/細佬) hahaa...
Once upon a time, soccer jerseys were only worn, where else, in the soccer fields. But with casualization of men's wardrobe and anything goes sartorial attitude (read: grown man dressing like a kid), soccer jersey is gaining traction in mainstream men's wear. Thanks also in no small part to the soccer leagues' huge marketing propaganda machines.
kajie: 咁你細佬有無女朋友?
laichungleung: yeah, i know back to the old days when my dad was young, soccer jerseys were not so popular.
Yeah, when I was young, like 20 something years ago, soccer jerseys were not popular at all. Now everything good looking or ugly can be potentially popular because thanks to people like me who are a sucker for advertisements and media influence.
I can only hope my kids would have some fond memory of me when I am done living this life. If I can't leave them something tangible, some nice memories would be nice too....
yes, my brother got gf, but she already accepted his style!we (me any my sister cant really understand!)
laichungleung: btw, are u a fan of crocs shoes? hope u are not. :P hee...
anon: 哈, 咁最緊要自己著得開心嘅. 正如肥到有車軚嘅師奶都仲要著low cut jeans或露肚臍, 咁都無佢乎.
No, I am not a fan of crocs. I did not, do not and most likely will not own a pair of crocs. Again, I don't wear them but I don't have a problem with other enjoying them.
The last time I was in HK which was like a month ago, I could see their marketing propaganda machine was doing an excellent job in HK. I could see HK is a much smaller place, any fad or trend can be easier to establish. Look at "I'm NOT a plastic bag," Any true subversive hipsters or self respecting environmentalists won't be caught dead using one this summer. It just totally kills the product.
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