207 people have been fined $5000
2942 complaints on smoking in new smoke-free areas have beeen filed
1726 people called the government's smoke cessation hotline
1124 venues received exemption of the ban
- 808 are bars
- 137 mahjong places
- 106 bathhouses and massage parlours
- 73 nightclubs
2961-8883 or 1833-183 smoking cessation hotline
2961-8823 smoking complaints hotline
沒想到原來有這麼多地方有exemption... 看來許多煙民仍有不少地方吸煙呢.
資料來源: HK Magazine
雖然四周誘惑無窮, 但小弟~ 梁巔巔我, 接近成功!!!!!!!! 最多喺屋企煲幾枝!
"最多喺屋企煲幾枝" -- 都係唔好啦, 你一個人住咩? 咁屋企人咪要食你D二手煙...
不過我估好快連幾枝都唔煲 ga 嘞.
ha, 努力呀!
我都要戒啦, 自己也覺食得好多...
donald: 其實返工想食又要跑出街外係咪好慘?
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