美國醫學協會期刊Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)最新研究發現, Atkins diet比其他三種方法更有效減磅, 亦對心臟更好. 但其實如果看清楚詳文, 筆者(Dean Ornish, M.D.)發現其實跟從Atkins diet的節食者一年後並不比跟從Ornish或LEARN diets的節食者更有成績, 卻只顯著比Zone diet的有效.

更重要是, JAMA的研究沒有探討各diet的效能, 只研究讀者單憑閱讀這四本節食方法的書能否持之以恆地跟隨. Ornish認為讀者當然更能跟隨Atkins的只吃肉的節食法, 因為容易, 但並不表示健康.
原文: "Why I Disagree With this Study: A new comparison of four diets—including mine—is misleading and riddled with problems" ~ by Dean Ornish, M.D. (Newsweek)
個人並沒有看過以上任何一本書籍, 亦沒有特別跟從過任何一種方法, 不過這幾年都少吃了澱粉質的食物. 始終均衡飲食最緊要, 只吃肉不吃蔬果澱粉質又不可, 完全不吃紅肉也不太健康.

睇六十分鐘時事雜誌, 講有一種減肥方法係食肉減肥法, 食食食. 又 work ga wo!
..... -____-"
我都係做個快樂小肥仔算咯~ 橫直我都唔係好肥~
37寸呀呵? ...
37.5係胸肌! 腰圍係38.5呀!
但呢幾 day 減咗少少!!!!!!!
更正: 36
嘩, 我全身無一個圍有咁既份量囉... ;P 呀, 對腳應該有39寸長既! :)
mad dog,腳係cm係嘛?
aulina: 39寸長, 由大脾骨(腰下面)開始度喎, 有38/9寸長架, 我唔係莫文蔚, 矮我一兩寸話自己有42寸腳...
I use Atkins reduce 30 lbs in 2 months before I got married. and then after married, I gain back 20 lbs. Now I reduce another 10 lbs by general healthy diets.(from 190 lbs to 160 lbs to 180 lbs to 170 lbs). (I was larger than 37, and now is around 33).
Conclusion: Atkins does work in very quick way. Atkins does come back very quick as well. The best is to have the healthy diet culture, but not a special diet.
ngszehin: thanks for your input. i lost 30 lbs by cutting carbs, eat mainly veg + meat. some carbs for lunch, like congee, no bread, no rice.
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