以前也在這裡寫過有關我亂的文章(暫時找不著, 應是早期寫的), 這個不太好的習慣大概是大學時代開始養成的, 都怪三年都獨居, 無人管, 當然我有我天地, 即使是男性友人到訪也會說: "女仔黎講, 你都算亂喎!" 公司更有些討厭的人曾說我的位會引起"火燭"! (都是assh*le的說法!)
昨天看了Newsweek上星期的一篇文章, 對於我們這群愛亂一族, 實在是鼓舞. 你知道嗎, 原來人的腦袋是需要一點亂及噪音才可以運用得更好 -- "the human mind - and a lot of other things, as it turns out - often work better not when they're neat and highly ordered, but rather when they operate in a messier fashion."... "Being messy, both at home and in foreign policy, may have its own advantages" (by David H. Freedman)
文章不但把這個說法用在個人身上, 亦應用到在國家及政治層面. 最愛秩序的國家是德國及日本. 而中度混亂的國家如美國則喜歡插手其他他們覺得太混亂的國家的內政. ("that's typical of the way people look at messiness - it's someone else's mess that always seems most problematic" -->應該告訴我那位討厭的老外同事!)
文章很有趣味, 詳情可看網上版本: The Perils of Order.
"a certain amount of mess and disorder is usually not the terrible thing we make it out to be, and in many cases it actually improves things."
"messiness isn't the sorry wage of weak character or neglect, it's the inseparable companion of constructive action. There are only two ways to minimize disorder: don't do much, or spend lots of energy constantly restoring order instead of spending it on something potentially much more useful."
喜歡井井有條的人, 不要以為你們比我們混亂一族能幹啊, 因為我們把那些執拾的時間用在更佳的地方上! ;P

我也看了這篇報導,同樣感到興奮,因為我也是一個 messy 的人,而頗enjoy being messy sometimes. 我都覺得在這種狀態之下做事反而更能刺激起勁兒。另我同時也是越 last minute 越會出到"正嘢"的。不過跟我的人就會辛苦一點了! ^_
hahah! same here! 大學時無論考試或交paper都係last minute, 但越緊迫越迫出D好野出黎, 或者我地呢類人就係咁. :)
我好怕亂, 一亂就心情煩燥 + 頭痛
所以成日都煩躁 + 頭痛,
因為成日都亂 :)
"我怕污糟, 但不太介意亂."
另, 講真, 亂一定好過污糟喔!
"你知道嗎, 原來人的腦袋是需要一點亂及噪音才可以運用得更好 -- "the human mind - and a lot of other things, as it turns out - often work better not when they're neat and highly ordered, but rather when they operate in a messier fashion."... "Being messy, both at home and in foreign policy, may have its own advantages" (by David H. Freedman)"
Heeeeheee~ 我最鐘意呢啲 "道理" 嘞! 特別係呢句~ "因為我們把那些執拾的時間用在更佳的地方上! ;P" 呀哈哈哈哈哈~~~~
"大學時無論考試或交paper都係last minute, 但越緊迫越迫出D好野出黎, 或者我地呢類人就係咁. :)"
又中呀!!! 以前寫 oD報告, 文章, 正常時睇番, 都自嘆究竟點寫得出啲咁好嘅嘢~
愛美: haha! :) 我已經覺得亂係我生活既一部份啦. :) 與我並存!
LDD: 我地係同一類人囉! :)
haha, mad dog, Just found another common thing between us!
這個都好適合我呢~ :p
echo: give me five!
yu: :)
閒趣: 哈哈! 我也很喜歡用"亂中有序"來捍衛自己呢!!!!
inner space: hee hee... :P
If there is a rating of messiness from 1 to 10 (10 is the most messy one), I will give myself a rate of 7.5.
My table in the office always cover with different documents and I forbit the cleaning lady to touch my desk.
uncleray: ha! hmm... guess i will also give myself a 7.5. :)
我唔記得邊度睇過,以前用打字機時代排版冇justified layout,句句又hyphenation又冇辦法齊輯輯,反而對人讀書記憶有幫助過而家。應該同messiness個概念一樣。
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