Your heart-felt communication style creates peace and harmony in the workplace. You know how to bring out the best in others. As a Blue personality you are gifted with tremendous people skills.
You're a heart felt communicator who has a strong need to make a difference in the lives of other people. This strength is immediately noticeable in the way you make connections and bring out the best in those you encounter. People usually feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.
You love to build self-esteem and make others feel good about who they are. You can easily motivate and inspire people to make changes in their lives and reach their potential. This natural talent makes you excel a counselor, teacher, social worker and journalist, but the list is far greater in the book.
I am compassionate. I am always encouraging and supporting. I am a peacemaker, sensitive to the needs of others. I am a natural romantic.
I like to do things that require caring, counseling, nurturing, and harmonizing. I have a strong desire to contribute and to help others lead more significant lives. I am poetic and often enjoy the arts.
I value integrity and unity in relationships. I am enthusiastic, idealistic, communicative, and sympathetic. I express my feelings easily.
我的profile是15 Blue, 9 Gold, 7 Green, 5 Orange.
Hey, I am "blue" too woh... (14), so is Mugen C. 果然係人以群分huh!
yeah! 15 blue! :) 我地都係有親和力一族呀! ;P
即是說,原本三十六條,我是藍11,綠11,金7,橙7。但這樣藍和綠就同分,冇冠軍。所以才會要問 extra 多一條。
總之,我似乎是又感性(B)但又會思考(Gr),但不懂執行(Gd)也不愛玩樂(O)。又似乎 OK 準。
I am also blue. :)
五: 咁齋感性唔執行咪即係齋吹水囉???
carrie: :) 物以類聚.
O no 我是變成了金人
I am 15 blue too.
nana: :) 又係藍.
木棉: 實幹型噃!
愛美: 又一次一樣. :)
收工了,今晚返屋企玩先~ =)
I’m a thinker, always analyzing like a GREEN!!!
I love BLUE but with GREEN nature =)
五師兄 almost same as me woh! :O
blue too...
Plus the "thinking" (green) part,I am perfect to be an academic.
小蓓: 等你個結果呀吓.
風信子: 好少有人係綠噃!
sa: 要enter email先有profile, 不過個個blue都一樣.
15 blue, 11 orange, 9 green, 1 gold
blue AGAIN!!!!
how come we all have similar results?!?!
小蓓: yeah, it seems like most ppl are blue.
I am blue also.
My resule is almost same as you...
before I also do a colour test in a philosophy talk~
but it's not test by question,is by painting~
it's quite funny ~
ruth: :)
coffee: painting test, should be nice and more accurate.
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