一年一度的香港國際電影節又來了! 今年已是第三十一屆, 是我第十三年瘋狂看電影的時候. 第一年瘋狂參與是1992年第十六屆的HKIFF, 1994-96年不在香港, 就是錯過了那三年. 去年更首次邊看邊寫blog, 兩三星期內看過又寫過十七齣電影及影後感, 今年又來了!
這兩星期經常上HKIFF的網頁都未見更新, 又不知道節目及訂票手冊什麼時候有得索取, 昨天從公園仔那邊得悉昨晚黃昏開始有, 下班後跑去找也沒有. 幸而晚上上網(HKIFF網頁下午還沒有更新的)發現星期六早上十時才開始接受網上訂票. 我們這群電影節發燒友一定不會遲數天才訂票的, 因為曾經試過有些熱門的電影買不到票, 很沮喪的啊!
個人喜好, 主要捧歐洲電影場, 美國的也會看, 紀錄片會揀一兩齣, 目的是叫自己不要看多過廿齣, 因為真的會太累, 亦消化不切. 亞洲電影包括港產的, 中日韓等地的我也一概不會在電影節看, 因為單單我最喜歡的法國片也多得不知如何揀選, 亞洲地區的遲些不難找到影碟甚至香港有機會上映. 以往一定看世界動畫精選, 但去年已放棄, 因為太多電影太少時間.
今早上班前已路經跑去拿了兩本電影節節目及訂票手冊, 現在拿在手上, 邊看邊寫這篇... 對我來說, 影迷嘉年華(Gala Presentation), 大師級(Master Class)及世界視野(Global Vision)都是首選要細看的篇幅, 今年還加了個作者風(Auteurs)! 嘩, 人也瘋了! 焦點導演是邱禮濤, 不是我杯茶, 不過有齣世界首映的"性工作者十日談", 朱茵擔演, 他日電視播時會考慮看... ;P Indie Power的都會考慮. 今屆來了個羅馬尼亞新世代(Young Romanian Cinema), 相信沒有時間看了. OMG, 還有德國電影新氣象(German Cinema Returns)! 怎算?! 光影北歐(Nordic Lights)去年也有, 但哪有時間呢? OK OK... 新西蘭新電影(New Zealand New Films)(雖則個人不喜歡澳紐兩國, 但他們的電影又是頗具特色的)... 人也瘋了. 影人影事(Filmmakers and Filmmaking)又是不可錯過... 真的假不了(Reality Bites)又偶有驚喜. Visconti的電影(Remembering Luchino Visconti), 讀電影時看了許多, 這回應該不看了. 也會留意天主教文化獎那些的... 你說今晚還有時間睡嗎?!
今天一定要看完整本冊子兼揀好要訂的, 明早要早一點起床上網訂票!
wa... you've already got the prog??? i was trying to find it and was about to ask you if you have it this morning. :P
don't think i can go to HKIFF la... too many movies and i'd have a hard time making up my mind. plus i'm going to arts fest next few weeks so no more energy to go. but definitely will be looking forward to your comments! (some of the more mainstream movies usually are shown in theatres afterwards.)
are you going to see Rain's movie? (disclaimer: i am NOT a rain fan.. hehe)
btw, why don't you like jumpy and sheep nations?? @_@?
yup, i was so sad last nite when i couldn't find the booking folder. HKIFF starts after the art fest ah, i will see the actors' gang's "1984" too, couldn't get tkt to Leipzig ballet though (unless the $1200 tkt!) , so sad. i won't see any korean/jap films at the hkiff, not really my cup of tea. actually i won't book any asian/chinese films at the fest.
no offense, i've been to australia once (almost by force) and i hate it more. people there are racists and we had some bad experience in sydney. lived in the States for 3 years and been to canada for almost 10 times, but never experienced such racial discrimination as in the sydney trip.
公園仔: 又想睇blog,又想寫blog, 宜家仲想睇埋本folder, 好唔得閒呀! :)
ah... i'm going to the pm show of 1984. can't do any more evenings. :P
racism - i guess it's just luck. or maybe i'm slow/insensitive.. for all the years that i've live abroad, never really been treated badly. i'd say i'm lucky.
真好..我今年要give up整個hkiff...
現在開始,要避免見到一切與它有關的心事情,so hard and painful~
yeah, i would say we were unlucky. we were spat while taking pictures near the opera house. that aussie was jogging and suddenly spat on my bf.
hey, i would see the pm show too, march 3.
coffee: 點解呀????
eh... i'm going on mar 4
mar 3, i have midterm in am and in pm i have class ah >_<~
公園仔: exactly!!! 我琴晚一路睇本folder一路"sung"今年有D失望. 好多亞洲片, 我鍾意果D類型唔多, 不過都同你一樣, 最後又揀左好多, 今年連北歐片都睇埋, 紀錄片反而無. 揀左咁多都無邊套係唔睇會覺得好遺憾咁...
lu: u are still studying??? full time? wow!
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