英國蘇富比將會拍賣這幅著名油畫, 名為"L'Okapi", 是比利時畫家Rene Magritte(1958- )的作品. 預計價錢由二百五十萬至三百五十萬英磅左右.
對油畫及印象派不怎認識, 看到這幅畫中那朵大花蓋在戴了帽的男人頭上, 感覺有點莫名其妙. 有沒有人可以告訴我藝術家的原意是什麼? 前晚看完"VV 物語", 花和陰道的association令我對這幅畫有另一種聯想...
找到一些解說: L’Okapi explores the single most iconic motif of Rene Magritte’s work: the bowler-hatted man. The figure first appeared in his painting in 1926 and featured most famously in Golconde of 1953. Sometimes depicted from the back, as in this work, sometimes from the front, his face obscured by an object, the man always remains impersonal, an individual transformed into a universal figure. In L’Okapi, the scene also shows a white flower that appears to be both devouring and protecting the man. While objects such as a loaf of bread, an apple or a bell often appear in Magritte’s paintings and gouaches, usually obscuring the face of the man, this flower is unique within the artist’s work. (Surrealist Art at Sotheby's)
我有 $ o既話, 唔會買! 唔曉欣賞. 而且, 呢幅 o野好鬼恐怖!
我有 $ o既話, 唔會買! 唔曉欣賞. 而且, 呢幅 o野好鬼恐怖!
大家寫 Blog o既極活躍 & 精英份子都咁話~ ^~
有好多人買呢類畫, 有幾多個識欣賞 o丫~
而且, 畫家好多時畫出 o黎 o既 o野, 係同對象完全兩回事. 舉例~ 畫個蘋果或郵筒, 會畫 o左個靚仔出 o黎. 此乃最高境界!
嘩! 係啤啤熊?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 唔驚都難!
LDD: "好鬼恐怖" 未至於恐怖下嘛... 不過好古怪...
aulina: :)
啤啤熊: 咁你個人覺得幅畫講咩?
仲詭異 tim!
"啤啤熊: 咁你個人覺得幅畫講咩?"
她知, 我切!
..... A~ 咪住, 印象派 oD o野, 可任人詮釋, 收番~
咁你個人覺得幅畫講咩? --->我覺得幅畫意境好悲,藉花作一種解脫,通往另一個出口,而個男人背各畫面,好似與世俗分離,表現孤高。
她知, 我切!---> 喂,人地問我覺得點呀﹗切切切...你而家好多野多餘要切咩?因住切親手呀﹗
畫個蘋果或郵筒, 會畫 o左個靚仔出 o黎. 此乃最高境界!--->無可能﹗郵筒永遠係郵筒﹗
啤啤熊: 嘩, 好有見解咁喎. "無可能﹗郵筒永遠係郵筒" 呢句舉腳贊成! :)
Show o下 "call ly" 先~
被女色迷到混混沌沌, 蒙敝 o既 "紳士"~
你看?Dan Brown的Da Vinci Code ??
LDD: "被女色迷到混混沌沌, 蒙敝 o既 "紳士""... 虧你講得出... ;p
qixiao: 你會點解碼? :)
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