
Saturday, October 18, 2008



1. What is your occupation?


2. What color are your socks right now?

未著, 準備出去, 今日應該唔著襪

3. What are you listening to right now?

趕住出去, 聽乜鬼. 呢兩日鍾意聽You're Beautiful (James Blunt)

4. What was the last thing that you ate?

凍奶茶, 火腿奄烈

5. Can you drive a stick shift?


6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?


7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?

我自己tag, 無人send俾我. 小蓓人好nice, 見過真人, 非常高, 同佢講嘢要顎高個頭

8. How old are you today?

三張幾囉. 有排未到四呀!!!!

9. What is your favorite sport to watch?

跳水, 體操, 韻律泳, 游水

10. What is your favorite drink?

咖啡, 酒

11. Have you ever dyed your hair?

有白髮啦, 你話呢?

12. Last time you hugged your child?

無細路噃. 上次攬我啲甥女呀, 幾個月前啦

13. Favorite food?

牛扒, 雞翼, 朱古力甜品

14. What was the last movie you watched?

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

15. Favorite day of the year?


16. How do you vent anger?

發脾四, 睇場戲, 寫blog, 鬧人, 跳舞

17. What was your favorite toy as a child?

Snoopy, 知心小熊(有個會跳嘅心) ~ 都係老豆送嘅!

18. What is your favorite season?


19. Ocean or pool?

緊係ocean啦! 似海喎佢... 潮漲又好潮退又好...

21. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?

最好啦, 不過識親啲都係好冷漠(又或好鬼有性格)又唔鍾意上網嘅茂李

22. Who is the most likely to respond?

呢篇? 唔知噃

23. Who is least likely to respond?


24. When was the last time you cried?


25. What is on the floor of your closet?

乜都有... :)

26. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?


27. What did you do last night?

上網; 睇Health & Living台講一啲需要facial surgery嘅小朋友

28. Hawaii or Florida?

Hawaii去過幾次, Florida未去過. 不過會唔會Florida無Hawaii咁正呢? 鬼佬都鍾意去Hawaii退休噃. 都希望有生之年可以去一次Florida

29. What inspires you?

人, 電影, 舞蹈, 舞台, 音樂, 神, 信仰, 故事, 經歷, 小朋友, 愛情, 書

30. What are you afraid of?

31. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers:

Cheese, 同小蓓一樣, 最好有mushrooms!

32. Favorite dog breed?

無乜研究, 大大隻嗰啲啦

33. Favorite day of the week?


34. Where have you lived?

香港, 美國


Snowdrops said...

"似海喎佢... 潮漲又好潮退又好..."

Haha, I remember this line!!! From a very old ad in HK years and years ago. Problem is I can't for the life of me remember what product was the ad meant to be for, but I still remember the tone of the woman's voice when she said the above line.

mad dog said...

snowdrops: right! i think it's carlsberg or some beer ad. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

uncle ray: 家族興呀. 三字頭就個個都有白髮... :(

Anonymous said...

乜要顎高頭咁誇呀!!!! :p

秋天啦!!!又到大家鍾意的季節,yeah!!! :D

mad dog said...

小蓓: 嗰次唔係顎高頭同你講嘢咩? :)