
Tuesday, October 28, 2008


CALIFORNIA—British film director Alfred Hitchcock (left)
and French film director François Truffaut, 1962.
© Philippe Halsman / Magnum Photos

你喜歡一邊說話一邊用手勢來幫助表達嗎? 原來我很少用.

多個月前, 曾玩了這個blogthings: What Hand Gesture Are You? (我是A-OK)

或許我喜歡用面部表情及聲線多於一切, 所以通常都少用手勢幫忙.

你都懂得這些麼? (The top 10 hand gestures you'd better get right)

1. The "Wanker" ~ 三級
2. The "Thumbs-Up"
3. The "Moutza" ~ 有貶意
4. The "Dog Call"
5. The "A-OK" ~ 原來對潛水人士尤其重要, 因為thumbs up在水中是ascend的意思.
6. The "Cutis"
7. The "V Sign"
8. The "Fig"
9. The "Corna"
10. "The Finger"

至於演說(public speaking)時, 手勢的運用都是一門學問. 可看:

How to Use Hand Gestures in Public Speaking
Public Speaking Tips

Slate Today's Pictures: Talk With the Hand! (photo gallery)


admin said...

不少人講英文或受訪問時,通常雙手會配合做出「拋胸」的手勢... :)

mad dog said...

maki: 拋胸??