
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway印象一般. 覺得她眼, 口和鼻都太大. 不過看過她多次演出, 都不能否認, 她的演技不斷進步, 且令人刮目相看.

"The Princess Diaries"(2001)許多人都看過吧. 她又的確稱職. "The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement"(2004)我也好像在電視上看, 抑或飛機? "Brokeback Mountain"(2005)戲份不多, 印象不深. "The Devil Wears Prada"(2006)則算是新嘗試. 都不錯.

"Becoming Jane"(2007)我有影碟卻未看.

近日都有Anne的訪問, 皆因有新片上.

看Newsweek的訪問, heading是"The Rehabilitation of Anne Hathaway"(She was a Hollywood princess, and then her real-life prince turned into a frog. Now the actress hopes a dark new film will make us all forget her past), 才得知Anne前陣子失戀, 來了一次重創.

她的父親是個律師, 母親曾經是舞台演員. 家庭溫暖又完整, 可以說從未遇過衰人. 而她的前度意大利藉商人男友Raffaello Follieri於今年六月被捕, 成為一時"佳話"! 有說她的幸福家庭, 或許解釋到為何她會信任這個前度多麼久.
Anne說, "The romantic I-knew-it-at-first-sight thing? No, I'm not really open to that." "But the hey-let's-stick-around-and-get-to-know-each-other, no-surprises love-yeah, I believe that exists."

What is Love? Anne有她新的理解: Love is letting someone else see your faults and letting them stick around.

她的新片名為"Rachel Getting Married"(imdb). 有別於她以往的角色, 電影中她飾演一個自戀又經常出入rehab的女子, 更破壞了姊姊的婚禮.Source: Newsweek


墮天使 - 祥 said...

我喜歡她在THe Devil Wears Prada的角色。

c.r said...

becoming jane好過keira k的p&p。不過口音還是略有欠缺……

Anonymous said...

我比較喜歡她,比起Keira好得多了。看到Rachel Getting Married的poster,我便覺得她的演技應有進步,希望沒估錯。

mad dog said...

墮天使: 對, 我也覺得她演得不錯.

cr: becoming jane同p&p都未睇. 口音, 聽聞佢已經跟人學架啦.

sherry: 咁我又鍾意Keira多好多噃. :)

Anonymous said...

最新消息,Keira Knightley現在擔正開拍 My Fair Lady 新版本!

mad dog said...

chris: 又係佢?! :)