
Friday, September 26, 2008


看人家的tumblr發現的 ~ "Three Things Meme" ~ 拿來玩玩:

What are the last three things you purchased?
1. pointe shoes (Gamba 97)
2. toe pads (Bunheads Ouch Pouch Jr.) ~ en pointe時保護腳趾以免損傷
3. jelly tips (Bunheads) ~ 要嚟加強保護一兩隻腳趾架
呀, 仲有, 星期六買咗兩件bb衫送俾個同事

What are the last three songs you downloaded?

What are the last three places you visited?
1. 名古屋
2. 福岡
3. 關島

What are your three favorite movies?
咁多, 點數! 不如講呢幾個月較鍾意嘅三齣啦
1. Mamma Mia! 媽媽咪呀!
2. Childhoods 六個大師的童年
3. Sex and the City 色慾都市

What are your three favorite possessions?
原來係無架! 你話我幾清心寡欲吖... :)

What three things can you not live without?
1. 家人
2. 健康, 同錢
3. 嗜好

What would be your three (selfish) wishes?
1. 擁有好多錢! :) (我係好膚淺架, 你唔知咩?)
2. 去流浪一兩年!
3. 唔話你知...

What three things haven’t you done yet?
好多嘢都未做噃, 不過又唔一定要做嘅. 無乜咩未做會覺得好遺憾... 人, 有時要知足.
例如十大想去地方, 出書, 再減肥, 再讀書? 再買樓... 生仔(係未生, 不過都唔多打算生lu)

What are your three favorite dishes?
1. Rib Eye Steak
2. 雞翼
3. 阿媽整嘅餸

Which three celebrities would you most like to hang out with?
1. Jude Law
2. 明哥
3. Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Name three things that freak you out.
1. 貓
2. 鬼
3. 魔鬼

Name three unusual things you are good at.
1. 工作上嘅專業卦...
2. 洗碗! :P
3. 針鋒相對 (點吖?)

Which three things are you coveting?
1. 都係好多錢
2. 開間夢寐以求嘅小店
3. 去"十大想去的地方"


kitB said...


mad dog said...

kitb: 過嚟睇先! :)

虎茶 said...

我見到你最驚貓, 真係忍唔住笑呀. 同埋好多謝你都黎我地班貓blog友既地方留言, 必定好大勇氣

mad dog said...

虎茶: hahah, 係架. 可以等同鬼同魔鬼你話幾勁! :) 笑死.