New York City, 有機會去過五六次左右, 每次都沒有逗留太久, 最多都是個多星期, 太昂貴嘛. 你問我喜歡她嗎? 唔, 不至於愛上她, 但她自有其吸引人的地方. 我不太熱愛大城市, 如果你問我最喜歡哪個美國城市(雖然還有許多沒有去過), 我一定會說是Boston而不是NYC.
NYC & Company自1999年成立, 專為宣傳美國紐約市的旅遊業. 最近的"This is New York City" advertising campaign ( 用了四張海報:
This is food
This is entertainment
This is just another day
This is shopping
飲食, 娛樂及購物, 都是NYC最吸引人的地方.
為了迎合世界各地的遊客, 海報也有其他語言的版本:
Spanish version:
Portuguese version:
Italian version:
nycvisit.com網頁有許多資料, 你還可以運用這個
Plan Your Experience去計劃你的行程.
Don't really like NYC. Nothing really special. I don't really like American food. For shopping, the style is a bit rough when compared with Italy. Everything is built. No natural scenery.
Also, worked with NY people for sometime. Very aggressive and inconsiderate, rough and hypocritical. Of course, understand they need to be like this to survive in NYC.
ruth: new york is new york. really a city that never sleeps. new york is a good place for food cos' it offers a lot more of choices than just large portion of american foods. love the wide variety of nice fine dining in NYC.
我不喜歡 NYC, 特別討厭它的 subway: 好污糟, 手提接收不到訊號, 公共電話只懂食錢不會運作. 職員也不夠專業, 教人搭錯車...
要說最喜歡的美國城市, 我會揀 SF. =D
myblahblahblah: NYC地鐵我好似手口搭過一次, 係有啲得人驚嘅. SF都靚, 不過太多自己人.
mad dog: I don't even notice you have a post on NYC? WTF happened to me? But you are right on, lady.
i m just planning to go to NYC! yep i love Boston too!
NYC is NYC, no matter u like or not,honestly, it symbolizes chic!
laichungleung: ha, so do u like these posters?
kajie: when are u going to NYC? nov/dec? last time we went there during thanksgiving and saw the macy's parade, it was so so cool! but so damn cold too.
i will go to Taiwan next week, and i have planned another 2 trips in early Dec and early next year...
so for NYC, i think...will be around Apr...initially i wanted to go there in early spring, but i guess it's still Apr :) will be better...
I don't care too much about the posters. But now that you mentioned it I would take a second look and I also noticed my yahoo page now actually displaying those banner ads. If you have anything to do with that campaign, let me know I will take a 3rd look or 4th look.
For NYC, this time of the year is great, and sometimes Thanksgiving is really cold, one time I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, and I really came down with a bad cold. But thanks to global warming, winter is getting warmer and warmer. April is very nice except if you have seasonal allergy.
kajie: wow, 3 trips in a few months, lucky u!
laichungleung: nah, i have nothing to do w/ the campaigns. we couldn't stand the cold at macy's parade last time too, cos' the parade lasted for hours(including the waiting and fighting for a nice spot), we had to walk away and drink some hot chocolate to stay warm.
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