Be Curly Conditioner
(於洗頭後濕髮未乾前塗在曲髮上, 可減少frizz,
又令曲髮效果更佳, 試了效果不錯!)
前陣子開始用Nars Aqua Gel Hydrator, 有十分神奇的效果, 皮膚明顯改善了不少, 不過, 正如某網友告訴我, 用了一陣子效果不太顯著, 要停用一會, 然後再用. 果真如此! 那些神奇改善肌膚效果不及初用時明顯, 於是打算買另一品牌的night cream, 尤其是天氣開始乾燥, 我的偶然出現的豆豆又來了!
又是在Facesss見到的, 早前有網友提過這個Ultraceuticals品牌, 但只知道許多auntie級都用. 經sales姐姐介紹一會, 揀了這個適合乾性皮膚的Ultra Moisturiser Cream, $550, 有Facesss咭有九折, 不過只有50ml, 都頗昂貴. 用了數天, 不錯啊. 原來產品來自澳洲.
其實我都有用L'Occitane那隻Shea Butter Foot Cream,同其他人借我用的牌子真有分別,真係感覺好好多。
其實我仲有用佢隻hand cream同潤唇膏,因為我嘴唇同雙手在秋冬會爆得好嚴害,時不時乾到流血…
以前都有用它的hand cream, 不錯, 就是比較貴.
Aveda的確好用。不過妳用be curly﹐我則用相反的smooth infusion﹐呵呵呵~ 另外他們的damage remedy真的好正﹐我以前乾巴巴的頭髮也被起死回生了~
皮膚靚, 好似我咁, 駛鬼咁麻煩~
冬冬: 係呀, 宜家係曲髮嘛. 雖然係貴啲, 都值得.
Din: 你行開啦, 我皮膚如果有七分, 你我負二咋... 嘔.
kajie: 你唔覺我減產咗咩? 上個月少咗十幾篇... :)
Din: typo. 你得負二.
正如某網友告訴我, 用了一陣子效果不太顯著, 要停用一會, 然後再用. 果真如此!
皮膚靚, 好似我咁, 駛鬼咁麻煩~
-------> 想嘔...
weekend 去邊?呢排好攰...
Bear: 緊係話你啦. Nars呢輪無效啦, 豆豆出來了. 要急救, 可能天氣乾燥. 你仲有兩星期就大日子實忙到par低, 要有足夠休息, 做多啲mask呀! (大日子前晚晚敷estee lauder stress relief eye mask, 上妝更好!)
been be curly's fan for years.... love it
ooo... u hv to try skin ceuticals.... works like magic...
i'm using b5 and ce serums.... well i never thought i could say bye to my very visible pores.. but then they r all gone quite a short while after i started using these 2 products... worth a try...
peg peg: 佢都送咗兩個sample俾我, 其中一個係C-10 serum, 但顏色好怪, 碘酒色, 咖啡味... 搽上面時有少少驚, 成朝都聞到陣味... ok啦. 不過都算貴. Nars aqua hydrator gel貴, 但好大罌, 呢支50ml, $550, 唔平. 澳洲skin care, 第一次用.
l'occitane shea butter foot cream... have used it for a while but didn't really work on me >_<~
maybe because i was too lazy and didn't put on it every day.
lu: it's really good ah lu. i use it every single nite before bed.
md: check out www.strawberrynet.com, i can't tell u enough how glad i m to hv found it.... saved alot of money on skin product...
be honest, i hv always had great skin, but i'm aging, and tat even if i care for my skin, it wasn't as significantly modified as after i started using skin ceutical... and not only me... my fds' responses r positive... i'd definitely recommend the travelling size, i know it smells kinda funky, but works like magic... tat's all i care abt... haha
peg peg: thanks a lot for ur input. now i'll consider to buy more ultraceutical products! :)
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