不過作為一個女人, 當然對這些good looking, damn smart的形容詞特別敏感.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!" Have a wonderful day !
後來在網上找尋相關文章時找到一些更有意思及搞笑的語錄, 都和大家分享(HealthyPages.net):
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse. -Lily Tomlin-
Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. -Caryn Leschen-
Whatever women must do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. -Charlotte Whitton-
I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once. -Jennifer Unlimited-
Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell happened. -Cora Harvey Armstrong-
I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house. -Zsa Zsa Gabor-
同時在網上遊逛, 找到一本書, 名為"Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women" by Christine B. Whelan. 哈, 很想買來看, 最好先叫另一半看一遍, 讓他知道他如何醒目地揀了自己!
這是去年十月才出版的書. 經濟學家Heather Boushey說作者打破了"事業型女人被車撞死比嫁得出更容易"的說法. 此書說的是女人除了可以有成功的事業之外, 也可以同時擁有浪漫, 婚姻及做個好媽媽.
此書亦做了一個調查, 原來被訪問的男士(high-achieving men)當中, 90%都希望找到一個聰明甚至比自己聰明的伴侶; 而三份之二的受訪男士認為能幹的女人更升任作一個好媽媽. (難怪李先生醒目地揀了徐小姐, 她的學歷比他更高, 相信她的IQ一定比他更優勝, 是替李家傳宗接代的好材料!)
應該係典解男人要娶個 smart 女人....
係醒目既男人先識娶醒目女人! :) 更新了一點, 請再看.
AhHaHaHaHa~~~~ 李先生, 呢個真係好唔掂! 想知點唔掂另外妳知~
另, 醒目女人要識得 o係應該蠢 o既時候蠢; 同 o埋可愛. 好似黃蓉 o甘.
看妳寫 o既 o野~
童年的妳~~~~~ 必定天真可愛~~~~ 看妳今日充滿神釆~~~~
haha! 係呀, 呢隻歌好有印象... 試過一次響街上有人叫我拍維他奶廣告添, 不過懷疑佢"握"人, 無理會...
.... 嘿~ 好彩都有人找我拍過廣告.... 生意失敗好頹 o個 oD~ ^~ (Kidding)
absolutely agreed with teh motto!!!
LDD: 握"人架我估. :)
zeezee: hi! u are from mybloglog? nice to meet u!
aulina: yeah, agree... fate is more important than a lot of things.
不嘍都認為女人是較聰明較SMART。 而聰明和較SMART的女人還會在適當時候扮蠢﹐TUMTUM 她的男人﹐何樂而不為﹐那就更加顯的女人的聰明和SMART。
是BUILD-IN 在DNA 裡面的﹐ 不能怪他也不能怪她。
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你好, Zecharys.com 是一個Blog收藏網站, 我們在全球範圍內搜集值得收藏的Blog, 以使更多的人能夠瀏覽到這些優秀的Blog. 我們十分欣賞你的Blog, 因而在我們的網站上訂閱了你的Blog. 若你不願意讓我們收錄, 請透過以下途徑通知我們, 我們會馬上將其移除. 當然, 你亦可以向我們推薦其他你認為有意思的Blog.
mail to me webmaster@zecharys.com
psot here http://www.zecharys.com/bbs/comments.php?DiscussionID=45
yes so it's very unsmart if a woman thinks she has to remain dumb to impress guys
inner space: then u are a smart man! :)
zechary: thanks for linking me!
cheryl: i think inner space is right, act dumb when it's necessary! :) ha!
Do you agree that beauty x IQ = Constant for women? I do not agree with it, except for those examples I know!
IVGDMWD個名太hard sell 了。
andy, uncle ray, inner space: thanks for your input as a man. :)
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