
看了今期Newsweek, 最吸引的是Oscar Roundtable, 一次過訪問了今屆奧斯卡六大熱門後選演員: Brad Pitt, Forest Whitaker, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Penelope Cruz, 及Helen Mirren.
六名巨星一起接受兩個多小時的訪問, 內容精彩搞笑, 簡潔抽出一些和大家分享.
原來Brad Pitt未當演員前, 是一名專門接送脫衣舞孃的司機. Leonardo DiCaprio七歲時是個跳break dance的男孩, 髮型是mohawk, 一直希望找到一個經理人卻每次都被拒絕. Forest Whitaker多年前曾飾演猶太人一角(電影"Good Morning, Vietnam"/早安越南), 第一個給他印象最深刻的演員是Sidney Poitier. Helen Mirren坦然現在有名有利仍然繼續參與電影的原因是金錢及樂趣. Penelope Cruz看Pedro Almodovar(艾慕杜華)的電影"Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!"時只有13歲, 也是那時開始決心要當個演員. Cate Blanchett從不看自己有份參與的電影.
Pitt: Strippers changed my life.
Pitt: (對於記者提到荷李活一直希望他去演傳統男主角, 他說) Acting is about discovery, for me, and these "leading man" scripts - Leo can testify to this - they're all the same guy. You can plug any one of us into it and you get a variation on a theme, but anyone can do it. Where is the discovery in that?
DiCaprio: (對於當年一時間成為teen idol感覺怪怪, 而電影"Titanic"的效應, 又把他帶回之前的處境) I wanted to establish myself as an actor who put a lot of thought into his characters and did good work. And then I did a movie called "Titanic," and there I was, right back into that position of being looked at as another piece of cute meat.
Blanchett: I feel alive when I'm acting. It's a tragic, but true. I would die in a rehearsal room if I could.
作為一個演員, 或許死的一刻都在演戲是何等幸福的事.
Whitaker: (當問及為何還視演戲為工作) It's magic. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
Cruz: (多年前於電影"Jamon, Jamon"中飾演妓女的女兒一角, 頓成性感icon. 一天走在街上...) Somebody screamed, 'I love you!' Then somebody else screamed, 'Whore!' Then I knew I was famous.
Mirren: (經常有人讚她的英國口音) Americans are always saying, "Oh, I love your accent." I don't have the bloody accent. You've got the accent. [Laughter] No, I never say that. I say, "Thank you so much. How sweet of you."
有興趣看全文: Hollywood Royalty (Newsweek)
o個日看金球獎, 中間女的那個, 天啊! 走樣走得好厲害! 同拍魂離情外天 (唔知有冇寫錯戲名) 差天拱地!
Penelope Cruz邊有走樣呀, 如果你有睇"Volver"你會驚訝佢既演技進步好多, 已經係一級巨星既料啦. Meryl Streep既"The Devil Wears Prada"係唔會響Oscar拿大獎, 始終係comedy片, Golden Globe就可以. 提名唔只要演得好, 仲要齣戲係有番咁上下...
LDD: Vanilla Sky(中文唔記得),果陣好正!之前d戲仲正。鍾意brunettes多過blondes。
Meryl Streep,鍾意睇佢夾Robert Deniro(還是另一位?)那套講婚外情的... 一陣查下叫乜先。
(我發現bloglines refresh rss好鬼慢)
aulina: Newsweek響公司訂丫嘛, 成日睇hard news, D娛樂野有時好吸引. :) 你指"Bridges of Madison County"??? Clint Eastwood下嘛?
幾套戲都未睇。個人喜歡 Brad 多過 Leonardo(雖然他與我同名)。但 Brad 得三份一套戲,要拿 Oscar 不甚合理。
又,Vanilla Sky 的確是魂離情外天,西班牙版仲正。
又,Meryl Streep 夾 Robert Deniro 過幾次,我估你說的是 “Falling in Love”
LDD: "Bridges of Madison County"無錯係麥迪遜之橋.
五師兄: 我都係鍾意Brad Pitt多過Leonardo, 我諗三字出頭既女人都一樣, Leonardo太young啦, 又太粗豪. 當然個人最鍾意始終係Jude Law... :) 六個人有份既戲, 我只睇過"The Departed"&"Volver", 希望Oscars前可以睇埋"The Queen" & "Babel"啦.
你講果齣"Falling in Love", 剛剛check過, 嘩, 1984年架, 無睇過. 印象中唔係太記得咩戲有Streep + DeNiro... check 下先...
最出名係 The Deer Hunter 囉!
我都係最鍾意 Jude Law。可能我都算是三字頭的女人!
剛剛想講"Deer Hunter"... 嘩屋企好似有餅帶添, 老豆買, 返去搵搵先.
咁你覺得Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Wentworth Miller靚唔靚仔? :) 香港既我都幾鍾意陳豪既, 除左明哥之外.
ok lar. Jonathan 個樣唔夠大方,Miller 對眼太扁。陳豪呢,我鍾意佢做晚九朝五沙聲的時候。明哥,我 prefer 佢唱歌。
嘩你都好"yim尖"! "Miller 對眼太扁"笑死...其實有時覺得佢唔係好識做戲, 靠個樣. 見過陳豪真人幾次, 真係想跟住佢行幾條街! :P
"見過陳豪真人幾次, 真係想跟住佢行幾條街! :P"
哎唷唷~~~~~ :O
另, 陳豪真人好好, 好有禮貌同風度.
有一次, 去 UA 金鐘看戲, 他與陳慧珊及蔡少芬一齊, 散場出門時, 順手開定幢門給我.
And, 陳慧珊同蔡少芬真人好索! 尤其是後者.
LDD: 我諗蔡少芬真人應該都唔錯. 但陳慧珊真人聽講好細粒, 我個friend見過佢, 話佢個樣似馬騮! :) 哈哈!
係falling in love呀!1984咪1984囉,又係呀爸呀媽益我,佢地鍾意睇戲我細細個又係好似肥瘦雙雄咁跟住睇,睇完記得哂架!
以前有個教英文?,佢教我睇Ben Kingsley做?戲,教我睇Kazuo Ishiguro等等寫?novels呀咁。當時好唔鍾意佢,而家諗返唔係佢我或者會錯過好多野。
Penelope Cruz拍美國片, 注定抹殺佢既才能. 好在仲有艾慕杜華姨! 不過今年奧斯卡肯定係Helen Mirren囉影后了. 佢都巴閉架, 佢係同Isabelle Huppert一樣同樣囉過兩次康城影后!
係呀! 所以, 獨行俠系列呀, 碧血長天, 碧血藍芬, 十二金剛, 金玉盟, 沖天大火災, 呀等等舊片都係細個跟老豆一齊看.
aulina: 呢齣真係無咩印象, Deer Hunter就係同老豆睇, 但果陣覺得好悶, 又唔明, 所以好似只睇過一兩次. 同老豆睇既戲, 最印象深刻係戰火屠城, 傾城之戀, God Father系列...
agnes: 琴晚公佈oscar nominees, 估唔到Meryl Streep(Devil Wears Prada)都有份. 不過我都覺得非Helen Mirren莫屬啦.
LDD: " 碧血長天, 碧血藍芬" 嘩, 好驚... :P
整mud你地個個咁夜都唔訓? 不過我仲夜... 煲左兩集ER... :P
"LDD: " 碧血長天, 碧血藍芬" 嘩, 好驚... :P"
哎唷, 驚 oD o羊呀~
>我都係鍾意Brad Pitt多過Leonardo
我都係.但上星期看過Blood Diamond後真的對DiCaprio另眼相看.他真的長大了!不過,今年的奧斯卡提名很多係都還沒看過,所以不能說誰比誰演得好.
lu: Blood Diamond 好睇嗎? 無諗住睇. Brad Pitt係咪第一次獲Oscar提名?
i like Blood Diamond a lot more than Babel. so i'll be opinionated and tell you that BD is good. :)
Hey thank you for the link at Newsweek, I have read a couple movie magazine at the Borders but never pay attention to the Newsweek. (I obviously spend too much time in front of the technology/design rack.) I have watched The Queen with my friend but personally I thought it was a bit boring - It was all right - to me, maybe I went in with too much expectation.
I also want to watch Volver but I am too lazy to get up from my butt to walk to the movie theatre which is just two blocks away from home... For Blood Diamond and Babel, all of my friends who have watched them gave very positive comments, but I am not very in mood for any sad movies yet...
Btw, I am 20 going to be 21 this year and I like Jude Law better than Leonardo - and also, I dislike The Departed!!! (You can probably dig out my Oscar post in my blog...)
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