
Wednesday, November 22, 2006


月初在Crosswalk下載了兩個十一月的月曆, 一直打算兩星期換一個, 現在十一月也過了一大半, 差點用不著第二個, 就是上面這個雷電交加的圖畫.

細看右邊的金句, 是這樣的:

The LORD thundered from heaven; the Most High projected His voice. He shot His arrows and scattered them; He hurled lightning bolts and routed them. The depths of the sea became visible, the foundations of the world were exposed, at Your rebuke, Lord, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils. (Psalm 18: 13-15)


耶和華也在天上打雷; 至高者發出聲音、便有冰雹火炭。 他射出箭來、使仇敵四散; 多多發出閃電、使他們擾亂。 耶和華阿、你的斥責一發、你鼻孔的氣一出、海底就出現、大地的根基也顯露。 (詩篇十八: 13-15)


昨晚天上打雷, 今早看到這一段聖經, 印象中沒怎麼看過. 雷, 冰雹, 閃電, 一切都來自祂. 再一次令我感到人的渺小.

註: 詩篇第十八篇是稱頌神的拯救(撒下22:1~51)

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