"夜晚唔願瞓, 朝早又唔願起身!" 母親說外婆這樣嚕囌了她多時, 而母親也喜歡這樣"哦"我.
可是, 我的夜晚唔願瞓, 朝早又唔願起身惡習越來越嚴重.
我的不眠症已到了不可收拾的地步. Have I gone crazy? Do I need help? Am I insane?
昨晚跳舞課當然令人疲倦. 女性週期亦會令人更疲倦. 不過這些都不是不眠症的藉口.
為什麼晚上總不想睡? 身體疲倦精神上卻不願意休息. 早上鬧鐘偶然也失去用處.
母親曾經說, 我這壞習慣是自父親離世後便開始的... 好像是. Are they related?
今天情況惡劣到, 因為太晏了, 我要整個化妝袋拿上的士, 在車程中化妝, 人也瘋了! 還有hair wax! 一邊化, 一邊看著鏡中的自己, 我是否瘋了? 這個人有什麼問題?
生活中好像要靠身邊的人及物令我繼續往前走: 家人, 朋友, 親人, 神, 工作, 電影, 舞蹈, 食物, 娛樂, blogging, Internet, 夢想(還有嗎?), 肉體, 扮靚...
剛才在洗手間看著自己, 就想到好像站在火車路軌的邊沿, 快要撞倒, 快要失控. 我OK嗎?
I am still sane, 還記得法國電影節, 因為的士車程中只夠時間化個快妝, urbtix password忘了, 電話訂票唯有回到公司才可進行.
開了電腦便一溜煙飛進洗手間打電話訂票(費事同事知道啦!), 幸而成功訂了我要看的七場!
噢, 還有藝術節, 網友提我要快訂票了...
Do u know where to buy sexy lingerie?
oh my god... didn't expect a comment like this for my "have i gone crazy" post... have u gone crazy? oh well, try lane crawford IFC: Agent Provocateur, really cool! not that i've bought any.
You are not crazy.
cosmicrays: 沒有說錯. 不過就唔係閒下來無事發生咁爽. anyway, 生活有點亂.
阿大, 停. 停一停.
That's what friend are for ma. ^^
阿Din咁講, 我都覺得我好似唔多掂咁...
same here.
sometimes i (even) hate going to sleep even though i'm dead tired! thinking that the same boring day is going to repeat itself again.
it's worse esp. during summr time. (rmember the time ppl thought i've disappeared? urgh.. still haven't written what happened.)
you'll get over it, but i guess you have to calm down first. if you keep asking what happened and have you gone crazy, you'll just become more panicked and lost.
when you get lost, think of those who love you. talk to them, spend time with them. (like us here... :P)
take care!!
thanks lu! :)
I can see how sad u r about ur dad's past away, but at least he has a forever imagine in your heart.
I just knew tonight my dad has a fair, everything about him is ruined in my heart. I always feel very scare about he might left me one day, but now I rather he had been dead, then at least he has a imagine...........
I am so sad, mad dog. I think even more sad than if he has left me.
每個人都有低潮, 這時最好開着悠閒的音樂, 看一本窩心的小品...
要是不行的話, 也可以做些平時不會做/少做的事去嘗試衝擊自己
echo: why? u don't have a good relationship w/ ur dad?
fred: 謝.
Take care.
計算士: 信仰都有低潮嘛...
he has a fair.... cheating on my mum.... dishonoured behaviour
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