月入一兩萬的, 認為如果可以多賺一兩萬便滿足了.
月入四五萬的, 心想假如一天可以有十多萬元的月薪便好了.
月入十多萬的, 他的目標會是數百萬的收入.
身家過千萬的, 會嫌資產不足, 用盡方法賺多數個一千萬.
月入一兩萬的, 不明白為什麼月入四五萬的會入不敷支.
月入四五萬的, 不明白為什麼十多萬一個月的還要不擇手段去賺更多.
人都是貪婪的, 都是永遠不會滿足. 這是多麼可悲的事實.
Yes, because your spending would increase correspondingly.
Cooking at home -> eat outside -> good restraurants -> good restaurants with fine wines;
Economy restricted class -> economy class -> upgrade business -> business -> upgrade first class -> first class;
No brand watch -> casio -> Tag Heuer -> Rolex -> Patek Philippe
我都有點唔明,如果真係有 1千萬,只要做到 4厘息,一年已有 40萬收入,每個月已經有3萬3.對於一個唔奢華的家庭來講,已可以很安逸.
唔通要學 Andy 兄所講,坐 first class,帶 PP.
敝... 依家仲係帶住老婆拍拖時送既cheap cheap 行針電子表,仲未有意買 Casio -> Rolex -> xxx 添.
就是人都有不同的價值觀. 金錢可以令人做到許多事情, 亦可以令人沉淪...
How much do you think is enough for a couple to retire?
hmm... difficult to estimate... if no kids, healthy... no more mortgage, 10,000,000 in HK, or much less in north america w/ insurance?
Mad dog,
It is my first target & hopefully can reach this target within 15yrs
wow! my "wish" might just be a dream... :)
It's a matter of life style. Just like what Andy said.
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