
Wednesday, September 06, 2006


朋友在她那隱蔽的blog上放上了一篇我和她及一些朋友都看過的短文. 記得去年她再在電郵上傳給我, 是在我的婚禮後. 蜜月旅行回來, 第一個看到的便是這篇. 前兩天我在電郵上回應她, 提到去年她給我的電郵. 我一直以為是多年前她轉寄給我的, 昨天才得知, 原來這是多年前由我轉寄給各人的:

Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh (骨中之骨 肉中之肉)

Years ago, I asked God to give me a spouse. "You don't own because you didn't ask", God said. Not only I asked for a spouse but also explained what kind of spouse I wanted. I wanted a nice, tender, forgiving, passionate, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate and truthful spouse. I even mentioned the physical characteristics I dreamt about. As time went by, I added the required list of my wanted spouse.

One night, in my prayer, God talked to my heart: "My servant, I cannot give you what you want."

I asked, "Why God?"

God said, "Because I am God and I am fair. God is the truth and all I do are true and right."

I asked, "God, I don't understand why I cannot have what I asked from you?"

God answered, "I will explain. It is not fair and right for Me to fulfill your demand because I cannot give something that is not your own self. It is not fair to give someone who is full of love to you if sometimes you are still hostile, or to give you someone generous but sometimes you can be cruel; or someone forgiving, however, you still hide revenge; someone sensitive, however, you are very insensitive..."

He then said to me: "It is better for Me to give you someone who I know could grow to have all the qualities you are searching rather than to make you waste your time to find someone who already have the qualities you want. Your spouse would be bone from your bone and flesh from your flesh and you will see yourself in him/her and both of you will be one.

Marriage is like a school. It is a life-long span education. It is where you and your partner make adjustments and aim not merely to please each other, but to be better human beings and to make a solid teamwork. I do not give you a perfect partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom you would grow together."


人都沒有十全十美, 自己都不是完美, 怎可以要求一個完美的另一半? 神為我們揀選伴侶, 是給我們一個可以和自己一同成長的另一半, 一個可以令二人變得更好的配偶.


"那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的." (創二: 23)

The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." (Genesis 2: 23)


notasyouthink said...

I like this article. Can I adopt and mail it to my friends?

mad dog said...

sure! u are most welcome!

notasyouthink said...
