1. 如果他/她覺得愛人沒有100%的付出, 他/她可能寧願獨自一人.
2. 他/她需要對方經常在言語及行動上表達愛.
3. 一意孤行, 凡事從他/她自己立場出發.
4. 喜歡隨意say no, 他人say no難以接受.
5. 二人的世界是他/她的, 對方要迎合他/她.
6. 喜歡接受禮物, 好意及呵護備至, 但不一定喜歡送禮物給別人.
7. 對方最好千依百順.
如果你是一個受寵若驚的人, 卻愛上一個受寵不驚的人, 那麼, 祝你們幸福!
Technorati tags: a prairie home companion, robert altman.
June 9 Fri - Queen's Quay - They celebrated birthday for me - Met R
June 10 Sat - BBQ w/ M's friends - 晚Karaoke w/ T & friends
June 11 Sun - Hair cut
June 12 Mon - 晚Bowling w/ M
June 14 Wed - BIRTHDAY - 醉酒鬧事 - Dinner at Yonge St. (French)
June 15 Thurs - "Phantom of the Opera"
June 16 Fri - "Crazy For You" - 晚Karaoke w/ M
June 17 Sat - Back to XXX 2:00pm
June 19 Mon - 8-week summer session starts - 沮喪 - swimming & water aerobics
June 21 Wed - swimming & water aerobics - Espresso & Lake front
June 22 Thurs - "Batman Forever" w/ M at XXX 5:30pm
June 23 Fri - XXX Mall w/ J
June 24 Sat - Photos & dinner w/ A & C at TGI Friday
June 25 Sun - MLib at nite (library; 大學時常常都要在圖書館才能專心讀書, 留在家裡太易分心)
June 26 Mon - saw XXX on U. Ave.
June 27 Tues - A's meeting (A & X) - (absent)
June 28 Wed - saw XXX on U. Ave. - Dinner with A at Bluephies
June 29 Thurs - A leaves XXX (place)
June 30 Fri - leaves XXX for Chicago (meet T, M, A, and C) - Taste of Chicago - Planet Hollywood
July 1-2 Sat/Sun - Museums - International Cinema Museum; Museum of Comtemporory Art; Field Museum - Navy Pier - Yaohan & Kenosha
July 3 Mon - Back to school again
July 10 Mon - Lib 記
July 11 Tues - mailed Tax Refund for Toronto trip - GST $28.29, PST $30.04, total $58.33 - saw XXX (say 'hi') on U. Ave. - Psychic - Lib 記
July 12 Wed - Lib 記 - ... sleeping :(
July 13 Thurs - Psych225 & Psych408 midterm! - Film: "Bridges Over Madison County" *****! (oh did I give it a 5 stars?)
July 14 Fri - Films (tapes): 狂野生死戀(what is that?), 流氓醫生(這個我記得, 梁朝偉嘛) - State St. sidewalk sale (w/ J) - XXX (karaoke) w/ S, W, M, and J
July 15 Sat - Film(MU): "Exotica"(Canadian)(Cannes Festival) (終於知道在哪兒第一次看Egoyan的電影了)
July 16 Sun XXX Mall
July 18 Tues - "Burnt By The Sun" (Russian) at XXX (Best Foreign Film at Oscars) - "Species" at U. Square
July 20 Thurs - Hand in Pscyh225 paper 2 - "Mousetrap" at U. Theatre 7:30pm (舞台劇)
July 21 Fri - XXX(dinner) - "Nine Months" at XXX Cinema
July 22 Sat - "活著" at MU 9:40pm
Aug 10 Thurs - 8-week session ends
Aug 13 Sun - Leaves XXX for Seattle
Aug 15 Tues - to Vancouver - met F & M - Yaohan - Karaoke
Aug 16 Wed - 睇"救世神掍" - 上海菜 for lunch - 龍兄虎弟酒樓(台灣)
Aug 17 Thurs - back to Seattle
Aug 18 Fri - to L.A. - watched "A Walk in the Clouds"
Aug 19 Sat - London Bridge
Aug 20 Sun - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas
Aug 21 Mon - back to L.A.
Aug 22 Tues - Beverly Hills - Hollywood
Aug 23 Wed - Karaoke w/ B, J and G
Aug 24 Thurs - Universal Studio B, J & G
Aug 25 Fri - to San Francisco via Denmark Village
Aug 26 Sat - Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Karaoke
Aug 27 Sun - Stanford, Cable Car, China Town, Japan Town, Twin Peaks
Aug 28 Mon - back to L.A.
Aug 29 Tues - "戴綠帽的女人"
Aug 30 Wed - Santa Monica, Fullerton
Aug 31 Thurs - Karaoke, see "夜半歌聲" & "大冒險家"
Sep 1 Fri - back to XXX, C
Sep 4 Mon - see "Water World"
Sep 5 Tues - Fall Sem Starts!
其實那個夏季經歷了許多"傷春悲秋", 但都沒有太著跡寫在organizer上, 或許二十出頭的我已懂不要胡亂把秘密都寫出來.
事隔十一個年頭, 一切仍歷歷在目, 當中許多的人物至今仍有聯絡, 有些在他鄉, 有些在香港, 亦有些失去聯絡.
1897年意大利經濟學家Vilfredo Pareto提出這個80/20定律, 1998年, Richard Koch把這個理論發揚光大, 認為它即使在現今社會都常常出現. "絕大多數的結果, 只來自極少部分的原因; 80%的結果, 由20%的原因引致. 例如, 80%的銷售量, 是由20%的客戶帶來的; 80%的電子郵件, 只會寄發給地址簿中不足20%的聯繫人; 駕駛員中不到20%比例的司機, 造成了80%以上的交通事故."
簡單一點, 作者想說的是"如何把這種四兩撥千斤, 事半功倍(less is more和more with less), 應用到你的事業, 金錢, 人際關係, 簡單快樂生活等領域中, 以及最重要的20%部分."
人都想付出少但收穫多, 都是貪念的想法吧. 最好唔洗做添! Right? 但從另一個角度去看, 這個80/20定律真是連自己也在實行當中. 如每天工作上的成果, 許多時都是來自那20%的努力時間(即是全日最勤力的兩小時便可以完成一天要完成的工作!); 每天吃的高卡食物, 就算只是整天所吸取的食量的20%, 也足以令自己的減肥大計泡湯; 一間公司有80%的員工都是... "廢"的; 每個月的收入, 只得20%是自己真正可以用的... 苦! 還有... 待我慢慢再想多一點例子...
其實自己原先想說的定律, 是那些只出現在自己身上的荒謬怪律:
*中學時每逢考試前必定肚瀉; 亦試過考試前都咳嗽得像有肺癆; 又或牙肉腫痛
Technorati tag: 80/20 principle
原來之前La Prairie已出過一隻名為Silver Rain的香水, 都是用雨點作主題. 不過, La Prairie的護膚品出名好用又昂貴是許多人都知道, 它的香水倒沒有聽過人推介. 你用過了沒有? 味道好嗎?
另一個在電郵上收到的新產品介紹是Faces Beauty eNews, 當中有Escada香水Into the Blue. 曾經用過Escada的Sexy Griffiti, 很甜, 頗喜歡. 對Escada香水有一定信心, 希望盡快可以試試這個Into the Blue, 名字改得不錯, 有點電影及舞台劇的感覺.
以下這個則是週日去買Estee Lauder的toner(Cyber White Clarity Recovery Treatment Lotion)時, 售貨員給我的新粉底試用裝, 名為Individualist Natural Finish Makeup. (她給我的當然是只夠一星期用的份量了)
這個什麼"Individualist"濕粉底, 中文譯作"純美個性粉底", 標榜獨創Ideal Match (TM)科技, "自動辨識真我膚色, 配合出無瑕調子; 修飾毛孔配方, 吻合肌膚, 締造最自然妝效... 質地輕柔, 不含油分... " 嘩, 神仙一樣! :)
"自動辨識", 好像真的很掂. 用了兩天, 感覺一般, 遮瑕度普通, 售貨員揀給我的色調頗適合我, 但我略嫌乾了一點.
從Estee Lauder網頁找到英文版:
Made in your shade for the most natural, flawless look.
Product Details: - For All Skintypes
Made in your shade.
Now there's a makeup that's as individual as you are. A makeup that matches your true skintone for the most natural, flawless look.
The natural finish blends in so well, it's undetectable. All you see is gorgeous, flawless skin.
Exclusive Ideal Match? technology features a unique blend of pigments in a reflective base that captures your skin's natural tone and gives you your shade of difference. The feel is weightless and comfortable.
What makes you different is what makes you beautiful. And now you can discover how beautiful natural can be with Individualist.
Oil-free. Non-acnegenic. Dermatologist and Ophthalmologist-tested.
Technorati tags: perfume, foundation, estee lauder foundation, individualist natural finish makeup
頗期待的荷李活電影, 昨天終於看了. 一直想看原著的書, 但電影既然都上了, 都是看了才算. "穿Prada的惡魔"是娛樂性豐富的電影, 男女觀眾都會十分享受.
Meryl Streep梅麗史翠普當然功不可沒, Anne Hathaway也算恰如其分, 不過我始終不太喜歡她的樣子, 眼口鼻都太大, 或許她在The Princess Diaries的角色一樣從醜小鴨被改造成功, 那回與Julie Andrews, 今趟與Meryl Streep, 都是阿姐級人馬, Hathaway都能和她們擦出火花. 配角Emily Blunt飾演Runway雜誌總編Miranda Priestly的助手Emily, 反而頗為出色, 來自英國的她, 我沒有看過她的演出, 這回看來, 是個可造之材.
電影上半部娛樂性極豐富, 連場爆笑, 角色描繪迫真, 演員的演出都十分突出, 尤其是Streep飾演的Miranda Priestly, 喜歡看她每天像瘋婦一樣把名貴外衣及手袋擲在助手桌上. 她那尖酸刻薄的性格和像神一般的地位都帶來不少幽默. 但電影後半段略嫌有點走下坡, 欠缺精彩.
對白都很搞笑, 如當Andy(Hathaway)還未買咖啡回辦公室, Miranda(Streep)說:"Is she dead?"舉止都令人印象深刻. 還有當Emily因被車撞倒臥在醫院時, Andy往探望, 並告知Miranda揀選了她(Andy)和她一起去巴黎而不是Emily時, Emily十分氣憤, 並對Andy以肥胖身型及沒有時裝觸角也可上位說:"And you eat carbs for Christ sake!"
紐約時尚, 名牌時裝, 出色演技, 搞笑對白共冶一爐, 是套輕鬆解悶的好戲.
Technorati tags: the devil wears prada