一般都認為老大都愛做一些討人喜悅的事情, 是完美主義者, 做事都較審慎. 中間的則有不同性格, 且容易迎合他人, 有說他們都是企業家的材料, 如Bill Gates. 老么都是娛樂一族, 什麼也敢一試.
我是家中孻女, 排行第三, 對上有兩個姊姊, 我們三個都有不同的性格, 一方面受父母影響, 另一方面也受著我們的birth order影響. 大學時教授說, 家中老么通常都較多朋友, 雖然未必都是知心友, 但他們一般都較老大及老二善交際(但亦有否定這個說法的研究). 這個我頗認同, 我的朋友都比兩個姊姊多, 但沒有二姊多知心好友, 她的知已好友都是推心置腹, 近乎可以捨身的, 但我朋友多得來卻沒有那麼知心.
除了這些基本的birth order及性格影響的知識, 我沒有太多研究. 在網上搜尋一番, 其實有許多有關birth order及性格的書及研究. 以下有兩本(左邊兩本是同一個作者, 不同年代的版本)這個題材的書:

Kevin Leman博士(The Birth Order Book)提到, birth order影響性格, 婚姻及關係, 父母教養方式, 工作, 及子女. 不論在家庭或工作, birth order都對我們怎樣與人接觸及交流有著重大的影響. 他還有許多著作, 都和家庭, 教養, 及子女有關.
Dr. Ronald W. Richardson and Lois A. Richardson(Birth Order & You)則討論長子/女, 孻子/女, 中間的, 獨子/女, 及孖生的都會發展不同的性格, 因為他們都不一樣地體會及經歷同一個家庭.
此外, 亦有人說長女及長子都比他們的弟妹聰明 -- Human Intelligence: Does Birth Order Affect Intelligence? by Amber Esping (fall 2003); 以及他們都比弟妹少機會出現抑鬱或其他情緒病.
Birth order亦會影響我們選擇職業, 2002年8月1日的USA Today雜誌便有這樣的文章. Ohio State University的研究人員發現, 家中長子長女都會選擇學術性的工作, 老二及其他, 或者孻子孻女則較多選擇藝術及運動性質的工作. 我覺得這個論點很有趣. 心理學教授Frederick T.L. Leong說:"Parents typically place different demands and have different expectations of children depending on their birth order. For example, parents may be extremely protective of only children and worry about their physical safety. That may be why only children are more likely to show interest in academic pursuits rather than physical or outdoor activities. In addition, those who are an only child will tend to get more time and attention from their parents than children with siblings."所以父母大多希望及鼓勵家中獨子或獨女, 又或長子/女, 去做一些有聲望的專業工作如律師, 醫生. 當有三四個子女的時候, 父母都會較開通, 又給子女較多自由, 於是都容許老二或幼子/女去做其他藝術性質的工作又或較冒險的行業.
當然還有書本說birth order會影響一個人成功與否: The Pecking Order : Which Siblings Succeed and Why by Dalton Conley. Conley是美國New York University的社會學教授, 他指出最大的關鍵是family size, parental time and attention, 及how much of the family's financial resources are available for the child, 而不是birth order及genetics, 可以說是推翻一般birth order的說法.

Technorati tags: birth order
You have lots of "知心好友", only when you getting older, you are not open to themselves.
Someone used to be really closed to you, envirnoment change, age older make people separate apart.
wa ha ha! what kind of speech is this? :)
yeah i know... :) ha.
do you mind if i ask are you taking mike's class on wednesday night?
ha, that was u cheryl... yup, it was me. u asked us our name in the elevator... :)
cheryl, btw, when i saw u in the class that nite, i found u very familiar... and thought abt soberheaven (i visit your blog from time to time)... and i was correct!!! ha! so u are in town for summer?
ha! this's such a BIG coincidence :D i've been to your blog a couple of times and didn't realize that you do ballet. until this time i read about your dance experience and i also saw mike's name on your profile, and i began to wonder if you are the dora i met just a few days ago... wow!
yea right now i'm having summer vacation back home, and i'd be leaving on 9/20 :)
nice meeting you btw!
take care,
this is the first time i meet a blogger in real life! nice to know/meet u too! learnt that u are a psych major too, what a coincidence!
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