
Tuesday, July 15, 2008


好像許久沒有看電影了. 對我來說, 許久是三四個星期. 對上一次上戲院是紐西蘭電影節及意大利電影節. 然後是八號風球那天在家看了Center Stage(2000)的影碟. Hancock沒有看, The Happening又沒有看. 什麼愛住巴黎又未看... 怎麼了?!

當大家都在準備訂票看Summer IFF及IndPanda時(對, Summer IFF又來了, 已打算看六套!), 也有留意美國將會有什麼電影上映.

剛看到一張海報, 就是這齣Brideshead Revisited.Emma Thompson啊!
Julian Jarrold執導, 前作有Becoming Jane(2007).
故事大綱: The memoirs of Captain Charles Ryder who is stationed at Brideshead Castle during WWII and remembers his involvement with the owners of the Brideshead estate: the aristocratic yet Catholic Flyte family and in particular brother and sister Sebastian and Julia.(

其實早於1981年已有電視版, 由Jeremy Irons飾演男主角Charles Ryder.
電影及電視劇都是改編自Evelyn Waugh的原著小說Brideshead Revisited, The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder(1945).

總愛這類英式電影/故事. 最好都是大銀幕上看.

Wikipedia on the tv serial and film.

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