
Saturday, November 04, 2006


今期HK Magazine末頁有一篇"How to steal someone's girlfriend"的短文:

So you met the girl you want to marry, but she's dating someone else. Online matchmaker Nova Romaine knows how to steal a heart.

1. Girls love to smile so learn some jokes - preferably about lame boyfriends.

2. Compliment her on little things that no one else notices. If her boyfriend were giving her enough attention, she'd be with him at the moment.

3. Never, ever mention the boyfriend. When she's with you, he doesn't exist. If she brings him up, assumes he's imaginary.

4. If her boyfriend is poor, lavish her with expensive gifts. If he's fat, do thousands of sit-ups before meeting her.

5. If she scolds you for making a pass, say you can't control your feelings when you're with her. If she stays for five more minutes, try again.

6. Boyfriends aren't red lights; they're yellow lights. Girls love guys who run yellow lights.

在這裡教人怎樣去偷心, 好像有點那個, 但看過文章又不禁發笑, 不得不放上來及寫點回應.

從未做過第三者, 或許嘗試過差點踏入四角戀的危機. 真的沒有怎樣去偷別人的心的技倆, 不過的確有許多這類人. 唔, 或許可以承認曾被第三者偷去我的心, 不過都不能只怪人吧. 假如你是女的又有男友, 而另一男子卻做出以上的行為, 那你要防範, 他可能是個偷心高手. 男的如果想嘗試上面的方法, 也真真要考慮你是否真的愛人家啊, 如果她的另一半已很好, 那就給她幸福, 放手吧.

換轉來說, 類似的技倆也可用在"女偷男"上, 假如當年懂得這樣, 或許可以成功呢! :p

**鄭重聲明, 以上只適合單身的男女關係, 人家結了婚的, 萬萬不可做出破壞人家庭的卑賤行為啊.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
