
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

As It Is In Heaven soundtrack

多個月前看過一齣十分喜歡的瑞典電影"As It Is In Heaven"(生命的飲歌), 一直想買它的電影原聲大碟, 但也一直買不到.

兩個月前去看物理治療時過對面海, 順道跑去BC找找, 店員說CD一出便售罄, 要留名訂購, 但亦一直沒有回音.

許久沒有買電影原聲大碟了, 大學時代買得最多, 都是歐洲的片子, 荷李活的偶有收藏. 近年越來越少買, 或許都因為許久沒有真正喜歡的originial motion picture soundtrack吧.

"As It Is In Heaven"裡的"Gabriella's Song"在電影中令人落淚, 關於音樂及生命的電影, 它的soundtrack我很想擁有.

前幾天, 又是過海去看物理治療, 又再順道跑去BC, 這回給我找到了, 雖然是貴了一點, 好像是$247, 但不得不購買. 是日本版的, 不是CD上的相片也不知道是這齣電影.

那次寫了那篇影後感, 許多回應, 還有網友提供歌詞連結, 但原來CD中的Gabriella's Song只有瑞典語, 以下的是英文譯本:

Helen Sjoholm - Gabriella's song

It's now that life is mine
I have gotten a time here on Earth
And my longing has led me here
What I missed and what I got

This is still the road I've chosen
My confidence far beyond words
That has shown a little piece
Of the sky I've never reached

I want to feel that I live
All the time I have
I shall live what I want
I want to feel that I live
To know that I'm good enough

I have never forgotten who I was
I've just left it sleep
Maybe I have had no choice
Only the will to exist

I want to live happily, for it's me who I am
To be able to be strong and free
See how night turns into day
I am here and my life is only mine
And the sky that I thought that existed
I shall find it there somewhere

I want to feel that I've lived my life

另一首"Fly With Me"(Lena' Song)則是用英語唱出, 頗不錯.

Leyla Yilbar-Norgren - Fly With Me (Lena's Song)

Fly with me and take the sky
Close your eyes and feel the wind
You and I will live to see
When we reach the sky you will find

Fly away, take my hand
Spread your wings, reach the sky
I can make you believe
Life is rich, rich within me
So fly away, hold my hand
Feel the wind, take the sky
Love will find, find a way
I believe in you
Fly with me
Fly with me

Night will fall and stars will shine
And the moon will smile to ease your mind
Questions why look so strange
Watch me fly
I'll take you there to see

Fly away, take my hand
Spread your wings, reach the sky
I can make you believe
Life is rich, rich within me
So fly away, hold my hand
Feel the wind, take the sky
Love will find, find a way
I believe in you
Fly with me
Fly with me

So fly away, take my hand
Spread your wings, reach the sky
I can make you believe
Life is rich, rich within me
So fly away, hold my hand
Feel the wind, take the sky
Love will find, find a way
I believe in you
Fly with me
Fly with me
Fly with me
Fly with me
Fly with me


Soundtrack list:

1. Winter landscape - 令人聯想起Daniel初抵兒時鄉村, 和那所學校
2. Gabriella's Song (Helen Sjoholm) - 不用多說, 是這首曲令電影更感動, 亦是全碟最美妙的一首
3. The Power plant - 有點民族感
4. AMAZING GRACE - 歌詠團用英語唱出
5. Beautiful Savior, king of creation - 歌詠團合唱的一首, 令我想起他們在教堂排練時, 歌聲感染到街外那些從不進禮拜堂的人們
6. Fly with me (Lena's song) - 英語唱出的一首曲, 歌詞簡潔
7. Bach Sonata Nr. 1 G-moll, BWV 1001, Presto
8. Daniel and Lena - "Fly with me"的變奏, 令我想起Lena教Daniel騎單車的情景
9. a)Choir Power - 那個患了自閉症的大男孩的聲音開始, 然後其餘團員加入一起唱
b)The Party (Hoppsa) - 派對的音樂
10. Bach Sonata Nr. 1 G-moll, BWV 1001, Adagio
11. Lena's Piano
12. Farewell Cello - 給人死亡的感覺
13. The breath of Amor
14. As it is in Heaven --> 就是眾歌詠團和唱的一曲, 那時Daniel在洗手間暈倒, 然後在歌聲中離去
15. Gabriella's Piano

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Anonymous said...

May I know what's "BC"? I'd like to buy that soundtrack too but couldn't find it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

emily u are right.

BC = Broadway Cinematheque, 即百老匯電影中心, 係油麻地, 近油麻地警署, 有好多歐洲電影soundtrack架.

好似APM及奧海城都有Kubrick, 或者都可以找到.

Anonymous said...


will said...

well~a movie long time but i just meet it at home~nice~