
Monday, August 25, 2008


美國多間大學為了環保, 飯堂都不再有托盤(trays)提供.

不但省卻清潔的程序, 省了水省了電, 學生也少了浪費食物.

相信, 學生也相繼吃少一點, 更健康啊!

記得N年前在美國大學宿舍的飯堂, 老外們習慣一次過拿取N隻杯, 盛載不同的飲料, 包括牛奶橙汁汽水及清水等等, 極之不環保.

沒有托盤即是每人要多走幾趟, 少吃一點多走一點, 真好!

Source: USA Today


Mugen C said...

Also they should start charging customers for all the take out plastic/foam containers for the left over foods.

They are killing our world and wasting global resources.


xiao zhu said...


mad dog said...

mugen c: yes, US is really not environmentally friendly in a lot of ways.

xiao zhu: 雖然係煩啲, 不過真係有效.

laichungleung said...

I am all into green living as long as I am not terribly inconvenienced like w/out a tray to hold my junk food or not able to use doggie bags to pack my leftover home.

Good for you, md.

from the environmental sinner.

mad dog said...

LCL: i know i know. i am not that an environmental activist either... but then imagine that means no more dishwashing for tons of trays... isn't that cool?

laichungleung said...

I never wash the trays anyway, ha ha. The only logical next step to this trayless dining experience is going to be forkless dining. Use the hand and lick it don't wash it after using the hand.

(i know exactly what you are talking, i just like to kid around...I am actually pretty environmental friendly, in my own special way i think say I don't use hair conditioner because I think that is totally unnecessary and gonna save tons of water...)

mad dog said...

LCL: foreless! hhahahah! no way. use of conditioner... that's really a difference between men and women loh.