Wow. 有點嚇倒. 所以不敢停止pointe class. 除非打算以後都不上. 昨晚上pointe, pointe shoes經上次同學break in成功後, 好像容易了點. 還成功做到一個有點難度的動作.
看了這篇: How Old Is Too Old To Start Pointe Work?
"The co-ordination required to control the feet en pointe is something that is developed over years of dancing, and, as for any student, I would expect an adult to be dancing at least 3 classes a week for a year, and ideally regular classes for several years before considering pointe work."
原來我去年開始en pointe都是剛剛好吧了. (不是年紀問題, 而是要有多年經驗及恆常上課才可以)
The Unofficial Pointe (之前有提過)
YogaJournal Pose of the Day (for intermediate) ~ Half Frog Pose:
也要試試這兩個poses: Bow Pose(上) 及 Leg-Up-The-Wall Pose(下).
噚晚跳完都無乜事, 今日只係某啲位有啲”怨”. 今晚跳完都有同學話en完pointe好攰.
宜家返到屋企就真係覺得散哂. 係完全嘅散哂.
cr: 條脷… 佢玩啫. 睇落唔難, 點知自己試, 原來都唔易...
kitb: 我琴晚都做咗一陣, 的確幾舒服! :)
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