
Friday, March 23, 2007


昨天看到介紹這本書的文章, 書名為"Happiness: A History", 作者是Darrin M. McMahon, 是美國Florida State University歷史系教授.

"Happiness: A History"於2006年被The New York Times選為100 Notable Books of the Year之一.

快樂也有歷史? 而且更是由一名歷史教授寫的著作.

根據Barbara Bamberger Scott, 不同年代的偉人對快樂都有不同的說法:

Karl Marx: to be found in the sweat of one's brow
Sigmund Freud: killing off the instincts and defending oneself against "the dreaded external world"
John Lennon: just a warm gun

作者認為快樂的歷史源於法國及美國的革命: "it was in fact the timeframe of the French and American revolutions that marked the beginning of a trend towards the possibility of general happiness after centuries of plague, feudalism and the iron-fisted domination of monolithic religion"

"Something happened in Europe and America that made happiness not only pursuable but catchable."

作者亦會提到現今抗抑鬱藥Prozac, 還有Declaration of Independence, 等等所能夠帶來的快樂. 不過此書不是什麼self-help book, 不要期望可從中得到快樂.


Anonymous said...

呵呵,Declaration of Independence。

正在看Jeffrey Archer 的 Honour Among Thieves。Saddam設計偷去了美國的Declaration of Independence,美國又去偷回來。很有趣味的書。


Anonymous said...

"honour among thieves", new book?

今日放假, 可能post多兩篇添呀... :)

Anonymous said...

Mad dog, no 啦。First published 1993 啦. The edition I’m reading now was published in 2003, very interesting book.